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Profile for )FyreFly(

Registered on: 5th Jul 2002
Total posts: 9

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Last Forum Posts

I totally agree! Sad to say but science is F!*@ing everything up. I wish everybody (specially scientists) could see it the way you do. WELL SAID!!!!!!Soon the population w...

They both ROCK and I ROCK at them both! Hey everybody, hope all's well with everybody's everything!

By saying four poi, do you mean 2 on each hand? How do you do that? I always seem to get tangled, would appreciate it if you'd help me out, but otherwise it sounds like a great move...

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Flying Kick to the Head
Mountain Spinner
All Smiles
Battle for the burning man
Light within the darkness
The power of juggling
Spark fire
Led Isis Wings
Dragon in the woods
4 petal ninja
Anam Cara in inverness
Fire Phoenix
Fire levitation wand
Twist of Flame
Fire Kryptonian is here !
The juggler and the sea
Reanz_tv S DTAFF
Exploring The Planes
Saturday night spin
Marlena Fire Poi Mania
LED hooping at Corona
mile high nights
Not the average dragon
Photon Arc
Fire and new life

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