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Profile for GeoffonTour04

SILVER Member since Nov 2005
Registered on: 29th Nov 2005
Total posts: 360

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Last Forum Posts

Gotta love the big red circle round the knackered turbine in the pictures, cause it's really hard to tell which one is broken...

For me the moves that really opened up my spinning when I was at that stage were the windmills (both directions) and thread the needle, once you have that you can turn in any direction ...

It doesn't really compare, the palestinians do not have the kind of infrastructure (police, customs, etc) required to stop smuggling of arms into the gaza strip, or the rockets being fi...

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Red Rocks + Poi = Ultimate
The siren
Flow Kats in Heat💓🔥
fire fight
Steel poi on the Bealey Flats River bed in Arthurs Pass New Zealand
Andie Pi vs. The Last Airbender
Rainbow shards playing with solar flares
Feed the flames and set them dancing
Fire power
Sinister Bird
Shrouded in Moonlight
Flaming Heart
Webster Hell 2015
Rogue flame
LED Flow Wand
Standing Inside the FIRE!
Fire soul
Fire spinning in London
Plain n Simple
Back to nature
Love and Light
Balance & Light
Backwards burn
Sunshine on my hoops makes me happy
Float on!

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