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Profile for Angel_Ali

Registered on: 16th Dec 2005
Total posts: 20

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Last Forum Posts

GrrrrrrrAs a former natural blonde (dyed it brown for a change) I am offended by blonde jokes. If it was a black/irish/race joke everyone would go mad but why is it that blonde jokes ...

No sock Poi yet.I can't get any more yet cause I already own to sets! I ordered some off e-bay and they took a month to come so in my impacience ( I can't spell that word and the spell...

I watch and learn, just watch and learn!I don't know why but in my head that was said with an american accent!

Follow your Friends

Bug eyes!
Flying Phoenix
Tree Nymph
Nature Tree Hooping
Electric Naga
Flowers in a flower
Spiral Out
Garden Stock
hearts a fire
La Dame de Feu
white party
mountain top stalls!!!
I am Taurus
Vaudeville Lights
Fun with fire fans
Give! Festival Ball Juggling
Vampire circus
Cheshire Cat
Double Trouble
Shes a Witch! Burn her!
Hippie hype
pod Poi!
Freezing Toes and Contact Flows
flaming art
At the dragon cave
Floating torch
Look into my eyes... closer...
Wild Flower and Jay Didgeridoo

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