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Profile for flid

Carpal \'Tunnel
BRONZE Member since Aug 2002
Registered on: 26th Aug 2002
Total posts: 3,136

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Last Forum Posts

Thank you for your welcomes - it's good to see both new people and some other pensioners I had a HoP related dream last night.....it wasn't interesting enough to post about however Wha...

HelloI'm not new, but as I haven't posted in over two years most people will have no idea who i am I joined HoP in 2002 when I was a student and had endless amounts of free time for sp...

Hiya, i can't make it either, hope you have a good one

Follow your Friends

Spiral wrap fantasy
taking time
The Universe in you Hands
Lighting up philly
The Harley queen
Give me your hand
Spinning in the Mountains
Break the human emotions!
spark poi inferno
Juggling Concentration
fire soothes the soul
Whurl Of Fire
Payne and Sarah
The fire mage and the forest
Fire in Seoul.
Visual poi at work
First Day of Creation
its gloooowing...
My favourite toy!
Flying in Silk
Fire vs. Bubbles
Cirque Glam
Fire Warrior
ocean of dreams
Poi on the Coast
kiss the flame

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