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Profile for emthren

Registered on: 30th May 2001
Total posts: 57

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Last Forum Posts

Thanks for the replies everyone. =)The particular time that it really got to me/us was general busking/street performance, so that pretty much anyone you'd encounter on the street could...

Seems that during the last few performances we've done, there's at least a few obnoxious kids (7-12yrs old) that decide to heckle.Most of the usual retorts aren't appropriate, or are to...

More than interested, but mundane work calls.*curses*Some other time...

Follow your Friends

Hoop love
Flying Kick to the Head
Faeries eye view
Brewcity Fire Brigade
spinnning stars
Gotta Love Rainbows
Mountain Spinner
Boracay Phoenix Fire Dancer
Kinetic Hoop Vortex
Fire Fun!
Da Warehouse Lights
Fan Froutch
Night lights
Hanging Around
front side snee
Where the faeries play...
Atomic burnoffs
Fire love
flowers any one
Light of Mandala
sexy moutemoute!!
Light Fairy
Skulls and stalls
Headstand in my hoop
Glow Poi + Glow Suit
Flower in the Stone Maze
On the edge

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