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Profile for Havoc

Registered on: 9th Sep 2002
Total posts: 168

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Last Forum Posts

ok... as a bloke, and a lazy one at that, i have to say that if my hair gets any longer than about 2 inches, then it gets shawn back down! (short back and sides) This is mainly cos if i...

Yipee for all! except those who aint yipeein, in which case instead.But mostly yipee!Congrats, specially to jon and fingers crossed for the place at kent man!Havoc

I saw the final flight of osiris when it was on TV the other day... very wicked! really enjoyed the falling scene, and in fact the fight scene where they some how manage to end up naked...

Follow your Friends

With some Flare
My hoop hoop
Eric with fire wand
Partner Poi with a new friend
Kristen Fire Eating
Honey FLOWer
Invoking Hecate
Fire ball
Steel Fireflies
Bella Terra
Windy City Poi
Running art
A perfect flower.
Back spin Flame balls :D
Flame in Hand
Fire Flowers
Wood Nymph
Bending at Backwoods
Down and dirty
Dragon roll.
Chasing the Sun in the Animal Flower Cave, Barbados
Living Disco Ball
Level 1
The Victorian Demon
Hot Topic
The Karma Dream

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