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Profile for melting

BRONZE Member since Jan 2006
Registered on: 25th Jan 2006
Total posts: 76

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Last Forum Posts

Harder but do-able. instead of having tight wrists and going up and down. make smaller circles with your wrist. And one poi slightly above and behind the other. hope this helps

Try different ones out. you might like a sock poi or even led light ones so you can still spin at night. try different lengths and different weights. this will help the transition to fi...

I agree with chalres. dont go to their level. be respectful even if others arent. I saw a performer say to two men. "im happy you two got back together" and to a guy whos girl...

Follow your Friends

Flame of new beginnings
Fire double helix
A Girl Of Many Arms
Mt. Evans summit sock poi
Sweaty sustain
Peace Memorial, Hiroshima, Japan
Sweet Spot
A Flower at the Tower
Circle of friends
Poi on the Coast
spinnning stars
Lakeside Flower
Contact Juggling Wizard
Skys sunset silhouette
The Worlds Your Circus!
Barcelonetta Beach
Fire fans
Eclipse Staff Tribal
fire horizon
Fire Fairy
She dances at night
smile, its free therapy
Hooping the night away
Fire Bending
Flower x
In the Face of Fire, I See No Fear

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