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Profile for SpArKiE

*shiny shiny*
Registered on: 22nd Sep 2002
Total posts: 218

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Last Forum Posts

imagine if their little creation works! how happy would that make the world?but yes on the other hand... if some uni students could figure it out whos saying that smart ass baddies in t...

1stly... i would wish for world peace since it seems that may be the only way it'll ever be achieved- if someone wishes it and their wish comes true.2ndly... i'd wish i could figure sk...

from "chronicle of ages" traci harding...pg 93.... sentance 5.....As the celestial beauty floated down to stand before Brockwell her form shrank and manifested into a naked human female...

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A Night Out of Time
Fire is my boyfriend
Shine bright like a diamond
Fire couple
The Bowler Hat Girl
Buzzsaw fountain
Pixx in Bloom
.~* belonging *~.
Laying down on the job :
Steamfae smiles
Slide to the left?! Criss cross!
Burning head
Spin LIfe
Midnight Sun
Dread under the arc
A perfect flower.
Can u see me?
Fire Whip
Happy haunted
Burning hoop
winter rain
Hooping in Africa
LED-POI at the Walhalla
Vintage Fans
Curves of a Pyro
The Wizard

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