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Profile for elfgirl481

Registered on: 11th Jun 2020
Total posts: 2

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Last Forum Posts

what are the terms list for hooping plz and thank u

I'm wondering how to pull a hoop up and down over your head, knee hooping, and rolling it from one side to another, but most importantly the first one help. looking for hoop friends to ...

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Dreadhawk & Voi Spinning
The show
Fire Love
Flower Power
Valar Morgulis
Felicity Circus
2D stall
fire poi orb cage
On the Christmas Markt
Fire and Ice
Dragones Reales
around the body keltic knot
Ice buugeng
Fire Flow Fun
Sparkle Poi and Rainbow Sky
Money Shot
my first flower picture!
Lets Dance
Throwing my poi in thailand
Ultra Flower
Take Flight!!!
Little beach flow
It gets a bit heavy
Hoop Rainbow
Color of Alab Poi
Hot staff shot
blue mountains of Bavaria

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