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Profile for Irinus

BRONZE Member since Apr 2006
Registered on: 19th Apr 2006
Total posts: 222

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Last Forum Posts

Hehe, yeah I made it for a few days. I saw you all over the place but you seemed quite busy organising so I didn't bother you Awesome convention!

If anybody wants a lift from London (or on the way from London) tomorrow (Friday) let me know.T

Lots of photos taken but they won't be on the internet until I get back to the UK in the new year (the internet access here is difficult, slow and expensive!).Speaking of whick, my time...


The Scales of Poi - Lessons  
30th May, 2006
Scales are good for you
"Very good DVD definitely for those who really want to focus on the fundamentals of their poi spinning. The exercises shown should help improve any trick. Good to see a DVD based on a logical system for learning rather than a collection of random tricks :)"
Tommy, United Kingdom.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Apr 2006

Follow your Friends

wall plane flower
Pirate show
Flame On!
The Poinnicles
Fire Hula Hoop
The Dark Lake
Prism hooping
Hour glass
Welcoming the Suns Return
glitter sea
Pixie-poi dancing
Just doing what i love
fire flower
Come back to the fire roods
Fire vs. Bubbles
Leviwand trails
Share the Fire
Tired Jesters in love
Fire Happy
Never look back
Into Battle, a Sith is at home
Ninja Rainbow
Enter the CLowns
Fun with fire foam
Black & White Flower
Light Me Up
Monkey fist Flower

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