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Profile for RaveRepresent

SILVER Member since May 2006
Registered on: 6th May 2006
Total posts: 567

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Last Forum Posts

It's time!!! Check this link! http://www.youtube.com/user/SunshinePerformersIt's going to be chop full of anti-spinny, flower-tutorially, awesome isolation-y goodness!!!With happiness,J...

It's been a while since I've made videos and spoke with the HoP'ers. I've decided to come back to Youtube after a long absence - due to school. I doubt some of you remember me XD Anywho...

Traditional Poi would be a treat. As for what I've seen of it, it looks much more different than I first expected.

Follow your Friends

Preparing to turn
Flower power
So-Cal Sessions
Taming the Dragon
Fire painting
Happy hooping
balls everywhere
In Love with Fire
Wheel of fire
Jon Brown @ Barnyard Boogie 14
Dark Fair perfomance
Bring it Mr. Potter
Take me away
Ninja poï Flower !
Colorful Summer Nights
Burn It
Voi Worship
Hypno Spiral Play
Uncover the path of poi
Pirate Invasion 2015
Behind the Back
Summer time, and the livins easy.
Just playing
Fire spinning in London
Taste like the ocean

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