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Profile for Flamez

BRONZE Member since Jun 2006
Registered on: 22nd Jun 2006
Total posts: 56

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Last Forum Posts

I have one...When I was about 4 we had a female border collie called Sheba, my grandparents had a male border collie called Blits (lightning). Now he being male and she being female, t...

The first day I got my fire poi, I will spinning them in my mums house(unlit) ... they now no longer have a chandeleer in their dining room ...Oh, and I have a VERY playfull cat.He wan...

Like the difference between The Lord Of The Rings book and the movie.Huge parts left out... luckely, the movies are so loooong already.

Follow your Friends

Enchanted forest dance
peace of hands
Hoop Hooligans!
Gypsy of the hoop
Blind Fire
Autumn impression
Lucifers Worshipers
flower of life
Ball contact🔮
Pixie on fire
I Cant Stop
Es Vedra
Tooth holds are fun
Butterfly poi
Pretty lights
Dragons breath
Like A Bird!!
gypsy way
Your little girlfriend
Caught in a moment
Queen Elsa
Flaming Kiss of Circus Awesome
flame wands
Fire Scimitar ahhhwhooo!
Hoop bliss
Interconnected, Freestyle, Improve, Parter Poi Productions
Bendy zebra

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