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Profile for Flamez

BRONZE Member since Jun 2006
Registered on: 22nd Jun 2006
Total posts: 56

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Last Forum Posts

I have one...When I was about 4 we had a female border collie called Sheba, my grandparents had a male border collie called Blits (lightning). Now he being male and she being female, t...

The first day I got my fire poi, I will spinning them in my mums house(unlit) ... they now no longer have a chandeleer in their dining room ...Oh, and I have a VERY playfull cat.He wan...

Like the difference between The Lord Of The Rings book and the movie.Huge parts left out... luckely, the movies are so loooong already.

Follow your Friends

beach spiral wraps :)
Golden autumn
Hello, 911? Im on fire
7 Ball Juggling
Fanning the Flames
dragon staff
Fest Fairy
Sun salutation
No Hands Headspin Burnoff
Me and I
Hang the Dirty Pirate
Basic Website Structure
LED nurse
Rainbow Cove
LED poi flowers
Once upon a time
Flow state
Hello darkness my old friend.
Hang loose
Embrace the Flames
LeFreak of the Party
Double Fire Staff
Wicked witch of the west
Fuego Negro: Fire Circles
fire hoop love

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