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Profile for Ninou

Registered on: 27th Jun 2006
Total posts: 9

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Last Forum Posts

thank you but that would be going north to come back south...I'm going to look how it works out ^^another question, can we camp around before and after if needed for travelling purpose?

Hi! 2 friends and I would really like to come for our 1st time to the Play festival!We're from paris and have been trying to find how to get to wellington.I looked around, but there are...

thanks to all for coming!! what an incredible week end! all those smiles, neat people, incredible workshops and amazing show!! I still haven't landed back on firm earth!Hope everyone go...

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Glow in the dark Burning Man
Vietnamese style
flo-owl watchmen
Fire trails
Ring of fire
Close Encounter
5 ball group
Rapid fire rain on the bridge :
Rock Show in the Batcave.
Flame dye
Fire acro duet in Breck
Mountain Spinner
Taming the Serpent
demon fire
LED Hoop on Stage
Chain Staff Pause
Silky Tree Sunsets
Fire Fans Make Me Happy
Pyramid Poi, Egypt
Wheel plane antispin
Es Vedra
Sunshine Daydream
Praise the magical Hoop!
Shiny Rave Clown
Do You Want To Step Closer?
Sam with Fans

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