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Profile for DavidJNolan

Precision instrument of speed and aromatics
Registered on: 20th Aug 2006
Total posts: 240

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Last Forum Posts

Just some simple tips:* Think about the font and colour of your text - at times it is hard to read* DO NOT BREAK UP EMAIL ADDRESSES OR URLS!!!! - this is an absolute no-no. It makes...

Okay, not strictly a Fenfire video, but I've been working a lot on my editing and motion graphics skills in the last few months, and I've got pretty good at it.Here is my new showreel, ...

New videos for the first time in a while!This is a series of shorts designed to in someway represent to non-juggler/spinny types what the different skills are that feature in a Fenfire ...

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Hoop Club Madnes
Color Orbital
clowns like us
Hooping in downtown Tampa
fire n flow galaxy show
Purple Haze
Lighted Rainbow
Florida Sunset
Glimpse of Happiness
First staff
Spark of Life
The joy of performing
Warrior Goddess
Enter The Dragon
Dragon roll.
Flagplaying in Petra, Jordania
Spirit Flow
Share the heat
Lilith Inferno
In the forest ....
Dragon Fire Flower
Ring Master
Split decision
Candle of fire
Zombie Pin Up hooper
Clowning Around
Underground Poi Jam

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