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Profile for Sezzie

SILVER Member since Sep 2006
Registered on: 11th Sep 2006
Total posts: 54

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Last Forum Posts

Hey AllHaven't been on the site in a while and have just moved again so thought I'd re-introduce myself. I'm Sarah aka sezzie aka Essex - take your pic. I've been away from Bristol for ...

Just wanted to let everyone know about a volunteer project that is currently happening in Pisco, Peru. An 8.0 earthquake devastated the local area last August, 500 people lost their liv...

HiJust wondered if you're still meeting at the statue or are back inside the market as I'm interested in coming to the meet tomorrow. Not been before but am keen to meet some other poi ...

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Flameous on CircusTree
Fire torches x
Poi noir
Trust and Submit
Fire flare
Avatar Hoop
Light up the trees
Nice Throw!
Fire dart sunset
Fire Colored Igloo Ice
Andy Triple Fire Breathing
The Kiss
The devils crucifix
Mike, The Man
Element of fire
One legged cosmic hooping!
Infinity snake!!!!
look no hands
Poi in Grey
Firefly Whirlwind
The Two Ghosts
Villa Lobos Model and Princess Aryiel Hartman
Sweet release
meteor staff
Post Cirkapocalypse
Backwards burn

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