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Profile for RolloTC

BRONZE Member since Jul 2001
Registered on: 24th Jul 2001
Total posts: 11

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Last Forum Posts

I learned in my dorm hallway where I could touch both side walls... when I got the hang of just staying on and riding for a bit, I went to a large room where I could hang onto a pole wh...

The Meteor Book is written by Rhys Thomas. If you are interested in getting it I would suggest going to www.seriousjuggling.com (not trying to do cheesy advertising... Serious juggling...

Yes there would be benifits for spinning poi, even if you didnt move your feet that much. Poi is similar to club swinging and club swinging has been used to train olympic athletes. St...

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At the dragon cave
The Dark One
Green light of the night
Scribble Orb
Light in cavern
Flying to the moon and back
Colorful Dreams
fire soothes the soul
Trick r Treat
Fire Warrior
Closed Water Park #Aruba
Fire & Shade
Flame Hoops
fire battle
Fire Dance
Czocha Ball Juggling
Fire dance
Love to poi shape
Colour in Motion
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Renegade Park Rave
Ground work
Boo flower
Fire crown
The Galaxy Girlz
Burning desire

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