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Profile for jarle

GOLD Member since Mar 2007
Registered on: 12th Mar 2007
Total posts: 1,489

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Last Forum Posts

Probably after dinner - somewhere between 7 and 8.

Wow, I already posted something here. Huh. We have a slightly-less rough itinerary! Whoo! Egypt: August 21st - September 11Greece: September 13- September 21Czech, Austria, Germany: Sep...

I haven't so much as touched a pair of poi in months either, so I'll be making an effort to rock up either this Sunday or the next.


Single Monkeyfist Chinese Meteor Hammer  
12th September, 2007
Meteor Madness
"These are incredibly awesome! The knots at the end are somewhat heavy which means you don't have to put in as much energy to get them going at a decent speed. They are really well tied you'll only have to tighten them slightly every now and then. The rope itself it incredibly durable after being dropped - sometimes quite forcefully - on grass dirt concrete and other surfaces it's still in very good condition. It isn't too slippery making it great for keeping a hold on it. I would suggest getting some sort of bag for protection - a pen leaked in my bag and I now have a tiny dot of blue on one of the ends. Other than that kudos to the HoP team for producing my favorite toy to date!"
Jarle, Australia.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Mar 2007

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Night Poi
Fire face
Welcome to the postapocalypse
Flow of Light
Light Em Up
Nat Spinz Woodland Elf
Magic JuJu
Cue the applause
On stage at the Rocky Horror Picture Show on Halloween
Belarusian Firebreathing Sunset
last night of summer
Fan Duo
Colours and flames
Dragon Balls
Tired Jesters in love
Pittsburgh pyros
We decide which is right and which is an illusion 🔱🔮🔥🌙
Liquid Cooled!
medulla acrobata
freestyle frisbee at a beach party
HoP fire poi
Bamburgh Castle
Light up the beach.
Hoop hangs
Triumphant FLOWments in the Rain
Fire & Ice Flower
Steampunk delight
Evildoers begone!

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