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Profile for courtnee

Registered on: 9th Aug 2001
Total posts: 37

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Last Forum Posts

I spent all evening creating memorial ribbons in memory of the people who perished in the WTC and pentagon, as well as in support of all those involved in the rescue efforts.I put up a ...

watching myself spin poi is definitely not something i enjoy doing, outside of spinning in front of a mirror to learn new moves. pictures i can handle because fire is so photogenic, but...

im not a moderator of the board, but even so - please keep personal off-topic conversation to email?aj.. the fountains/windmills/weaves are my favorite varieties of moves now, and i alm...

Follow your Friends

flow of my LED.
Hot stuff
Snow Circus
black and white poi
Snake Flowers in Cave
Dragon Staff Manipulation
She rises
nature light
River Island Spinning
Cancun nights
music in motion
Smiling in your bubble
Are you mad?
A spin in the park
Pirate show
Fire and sparkle
London Park
Hoop backbend
Me and my girlfriend..
Fans on the falls
Dragon roll.
Perth, Australia, Cityscape fire tunnel
Happy Hooper
Bendy benderson
Late night poi sesh
A Tanoura dance

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