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Profile for Jesse

Registered on: 2nd Jan 2001
Total posts: 118

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Last Forum Posts

Oh, dear. Were you one of those poor girls that they made follow his majesty around all of War? He kept trying to lose them, and at one point, I gave him a scold for leaving her standin...

Rather than making judgements based on weight like that, I usually make my judgement calls based on construction techniques and the LENGTH of 2 in wide wicking used (Of course this does...

Yeah, those were my poi that weren't staying lit. They were on the floor of my pavillion when it flooded, so they were more than a bit wet. (I hadn't been planning on spinning at all th...

Follow your Friends

Vortex of Colors
Fire meditation
Dressed in Gold
Striking Gold
Fire Rope Dart
Spinning at the doors of hell
Mary Jane at the Moon Rocks
With ur Smile
Post Cirkapocalypse
Fawn Fatale and Fire
Dragon Staff
Bunni trails
Imaginary prop friend
The best of both worlds
“Secret Love”
Dia de Los Muertos  at the Haunted Hotel
This is Halloween!
Juggling Balance Extroidinair!
Lady Fire Staff
Tyne Green Hexham
Happy Beats
Just like that
Spectaculum Aggstein
Zaya Starr a decade ago
Summer Circles
Ice buugeng

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