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Profile for Shivan

Registered on: 13th Apr 2007
Total posts: 18

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Last Forum Posts

Thank you everybody for coming!! It's was so amazing! Thanks thanks thanks!!!!! I've so many tricks to work on now!! (Thx Meghan, Ros, Dave, Meast, Ima, Ronnan, Fenfire............)...

Tomorrow I'll be at the "Mur de la Paix" (bottom of the Champ de Mars) as soon as I'm awake (~12h).

FROM ORLY AIRPORT TO CHAMP DE MARS (CDM):->Take the only subway from Orly to Antony.->RER B direction: "Aeroport Charles de Gaulle" until "Denfert Rochereau" station.->Subway M...

Follow your Friends

Bending at Backwoods
Fire Control
Poi of Plur
ninja sticks
Pure Amazement
One legged cosmic hooping!
Captain Sharky @
Saboteur 2 Track
Pod Poi
new fire whip performance 2014
Circustastic Hoopoholic
Tribe of Cirquedelic
Sparkle Fire Dart x3
4 juggling staff
Lovely Colombian twirler...
Honeycombs and zombies
Dancing for my lover
Falling in swirls
Arx Mortis
Clockwork Pirateman
handcuffed fire staff
Colour Splash
A Jester of Illusion
tridents flame
Mad spinner
Fire and Light

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