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Profile for SeoulLover

Registered on: 28th May 2007
Total posts: 8

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Last Forum Posts

Um...well I have no idea if you are still in Seoul considering it is oh about two years since you last posted this. But I am in Seoul!! and would love to find someone to spin with. I...

true true!! take away !!

A friend and I have started to work on partner moves while spinning fire. So far we have been limited to modern dance lifts and body balance maneuvers. Here is a quick video of one su...

Follow your Friends

A Babe in a Banyan
shangrila love
spiral of silence
Kabile Perform Art
Im with the band
Midnight strike
fire over water
Buugeng Love
Roll on !!
Kissing Fire
kiss by fire
Well well well
Opps.... I dropped it...
Tail Poi ❤
Halloween fire fun
Double Trouble
deep blue buugeng
rainbow heart
Fun with pretty lights!!
Blood moon
Fiery embrace
Sunset in the fingerlakes
Just K
Fire and smoke
Kraken from Fiera Flow
At the bank of Danube
Neptunes spirit

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