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Profile for audax

freelance bum
BRONZE Member since Sep 2001
Registered on: 2nd Sep 2001
Total posts: 286

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Last Forum Posts

I'd just like everyone to know that I'll be leaving the HOP board to concentrate on my studies and have sworn off chat and things to free up time. I was spending way too many hours on t...

I will admit that at times I do harass ppl at the weekly fire gathering here for not lighting up, but thats more just a motivation thing as they all do fire, but are just a bit slow abo...

I remember that the crisps labelled "EXTRA HOT CHILLI" were actually like a mild paprika flavour. And paprika as a stand alone flavour? Seems like BBQ or Cajun without most of the other...

Follow your Friends

180 degree fire jump
Eyes on fire
Flower power
Feel the Flow
Fire Pirate
The beautiful flame
Lotus forever
Alab hunk duo bench & justin
Fire and Frost
Medieval Flames
Fire Wings
Sock Poi in a fashion parade!!
Kandi Flower
Frenchy Productions - Amandala Photography Photo
Uber colourful
Corona Cat
Flow friends
LED Hoop on Stage
Nom Nom Nom
Flower in the Stone Maze
Elliot Walton Circus Artist
Curves of a Pyro

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