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Profile for POCKET_ROCKET_777

SILVER Member since Nov 2007
Registered on: 28th Nov 2007
Total posts: 7

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Last Forum Posts

Heyya Shannon !!!!!!!! Find some time and do write more about yourself...Anywaysss Welcome to Hop...Keep the faith.................. Spinnin

Heyya Shannon,I will surely email your friend and try meeting up as i could introduce him to some of the coolest Fire spinners on HOP who are coming over to GOA. But whats your friends ...

Well G... Nice ta see you on HOP....Welcome and wish you loadz a luck to be able to POICYCLE Keep the Faith.....sPinnin...


Service and support  
5th December, 2007
HOP'z 1stName MiddleName and Lastname is GREAT SERVICE
"Even though i have not recieved my First order from HOP yet I still feel a positive vibe just by logging into the website.Any body visiting the website would be thrilled and amused by the huge Array of support they offer.This is surely one place where a customer would love to indulge in gathering information and buying products of interest.Highly professional support provided by these bunch of SERVICE ORIENTED MANIACS. These guys beat every other similar service HOLLOW. You guys Rock..........................."
Rahym, India.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Nov 2007

Fire Safety Training  
15th December, 2007
See it to believe it ??? Nahhhhhhhh
"To be frank......i have not yet seen the DVD but with the experience that ive had with HOP i am more than sure that it will be the BEST and would surely have information packed in every byte.Im looking forward to watching it soon. You R loosing out(BIGGGG TIME) if youre not ordering their COL videos.They are one of a kind and you will be thrilled to know that the revenue generated from their sales is used in organising COMMUNITY PROJECTS. Well ...lets all be GIVERS for once and help these guys in their mission towards a better society for a better tomorrow- Keep the Faith"
Rahym, India.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Nov 2007

Follow your Friends

wheel of fortune
Völundr the Smith
Next Generation
Fire Throne
Caution : FlowAlert ✨
Spinning poi on The Monument
When the Spin Slows
A black and white burn off
A-Dome, Hiroshima, Japan
getting there!
Cocktail World Cup
Harlequin Ninja
Heat of the moment
The siren
Ready brek to spin
Hoop smile
Fire fans
Fire Loop
interpretation of UK weather!
Vaudeville Lights
Sunrise at the Forest
Winter Wonder
Lunar Lotus
Fan Duo
Ones and Zeros

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