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Profile for OrangeBobo

SILVER Member since Nov 2003
Registered on: 20th Nov 2003
Total posts: 1,389

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Last Forum Posts

Oooohhh the Dirty-D!!! Haha, I lived in Halifax, but I moved for school.. There's not too much of a scene out there anymore, there used to be a small group of us, but people moved away,...

The narration is the best part Oddly enough I had a dream with a snake in it... I decided it is entirely due to this vid!!

Thanks guys, really! I always forget how many people I know here I haven't read much of this thread, only the last page or two... surely more people have posted about being affected by ...

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Fiametta the fire dancer
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Burning the breeze
Out of the darkness, into the light &lt;3
bellydance on fire
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Happy Hooper
Seek Those Who Fan Your Flames
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combo flower
Indak ng Bahaghari
Shaolin Warrior
double the fun
steel wool!
Dia De Los Vikings
Battle Ready
Root Society Yoshiwara Dome - Black Rock City, Nevada
Taking the Stage
Toasting Those Buns!
Hoop Dream
Creek Breeze
Hidden Spinner

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