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Profile for GaBBeRave19

Registered on: 18th Sep 2001
Total posts: 72

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Last Forum Posts

mine work great, i emptied some glowstix and filled it with a crushed glow in the dark windchime, dump in some clear glue till its full and superglue a matchbox circle on the bottoms an...

saliva iz that legal weed thats not really weed gets u really messed up tho

u gotta find sumthing else to fill the void its alot like dropping acid or x all the time thinking its the kewlest thing in the world it looses its magic u gotta find a new way to get t...

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Flaming Weave
sunset voi
Great Wall Flags, China
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Restraint lost
clowning is dangerous
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Beauty of Lights
Pod by the Sea
Sparks will fly
Its defiantly hot
me and my lights
Alchemy by Starlight
Confest 2014
Rage Roll
Florida Sunset
Trish from Blazing Phoenix
Sometimes even heroes fail
Inner Demons
warp zone
Beach after sunset
.Godess of burning Moons.
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OWL the Fire Spinner
Fire and Lace
B and his Dragon staff
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