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Profile for kamiam

BRONZE Member since May 2008
Registered on: 8th May 2008
Total posts: 2

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Last Forum Posts

I have been spinning poi for about a year and a half, and have the same feeling as many of you.... but in reverse. I have been beating myself senseless with the double staff; not to men...

I am with Master Sodium. If you are not practicing proper fire safety, then you are responsible for what happens. People will not be in your fuel dump, if you have it clearly marked.......

Follow your Friends

Performance is in the Fire 1
ninja poi knife
The best way to juggle
Psychadelic Bubble
Rise Like A Phoenix!
Kali Darkpoi
Farralis Fire Fans
3 beat
First Burn
Shine bright like a diamond
Dave and His Flute
Rock Show in the Batcave.
Sunset melt
Fire and water
Fire Storm
Fire whip
Light Em Up
Fire at Baltic Sea
Fire Heart
Bella Terra
Goddess Of Fire
the circle of fire
Look mom no feet
For the &lt;3 of Poi
Dragon Sword

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