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Profile for preambled

Registered on: 6th Nov 2001
Total posts: 53

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Last Forum Posts

you might want to check out Victoria Park on Tuesday nights in Auckland. I haven't been in a while but there's normally a group of fire folk down there (as long as it isn't raining.)Th...

bender!!! is that GIR i see in your pic??possibly the cutest cartoon character ever.and very, very

you've had a t-shirt design competition and a couple of COL cover competitions too - so there's a bunch of designers who frequent the site.. why not ask them for help? i bet they'd be m...

Follow your Friends

fire pit
Prized treasure dont touch!
Fire Poi
isopuppy at the mosaic stairs in San Francisco
Soul of fire
Sunset Spinning
Viking fire staff
Scarlett Embers - Flaming Seer
Monument Valley
Dark Bunny
Beach jam
fan tech
Gaia Fyah
Fire in the castle
lake ouachita tribal reTREATS
Fire and Lace
Fairy Wings
Things are shaping up.
The bigger the stage, the crazier the troupe!
Anam Cara in inverness
A rose by any other name
Fire Dragon
Hanging from a Thread
Dancing with my Dragon
Heart of poi
Golden Glow
fire and ice battle
Orion Firedancer
Dunedin Fire and Circus Club

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