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Profile for Samuel

GOLD Member since Jun 2004
Registered on: 11th Jun 2004
Total posts: 22

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Last Forum Posts

During the day, if you have a long shutter speed you need to compensate with a small aperture. For two seconds, you'd definitely need the smallest possible, but even then there'd probab...

I just got a PM from Kombi guy, he thinks they got a batch with flat batteries so hopefully that's all it is.*prays that they actually will look as cool as they do in the pics*

Hmmm, I guess I'll go for the blue electroglos. Ideally I'd get one blue/one green, is that possible?

Follow your Friends

The Alamo Shrine
Tired Jesters in love
Fire dart sunset
Beam me up!
Ambient fire
Burning Passion
When Circles Dreams
Fire 🔥
Burning Love
Neon Spiral
JK fire from Tokyo
flying inferno
4 Petal Flower
Flying Free
Stefan Fire Show
hoop life&lt;3
Warrior Women
3 beat
marama swirl
Solar wizard
Dragon Staff
Ball alignment
Wall of Fire
Le Sideshow Fantastique
Fire hole
balancing for perfect routine
The Crow
some like it hot

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