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Profile for soul777toast

GOLD Member since May 2009
Registered on: 3rd May 2009
Total posts: 6

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Last Forum Posts

Hi Guys,So, when it comes to my fire toys I'm definitely a DIY'er. I'm currently planning a build for a new staff, and I was wondering if anyone knew of a good source for black anodized...

lol, it's still called the Earthsea trilogy, even though there are four btw, there's an anime by the same people who did Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away based on Earthsea, called T...

Hi everyone, I'm looking for any spinners in Vermont or New Hampshire (I'm from the Upper Valley area) who are interested in getting together for practice or burns. Anyone out there?

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Gia Grace
Sunset Kali
Combusting feelings
Tail Poi ❤
Fire Bones
Pod Poi Partner Jams
Abigail and Seaira
Dance with dragons!
God of Hellfire
Phoenix riding a dying star
Fueling the Night
Fire Poi
leap of faith
4 ball asynchronous
Ropedart love
Fun with fire foam
Fire makes me happy!
fire wonders
moving with my fav dance partner just always gifts me the biggest smile
foot ball
Diabolo by Sunset
Family Photo
Partner Poi with a new friend
Blisters of happiness and sparks
Serpent Dance
taking time
Happy Hooper
pod poi!!!
Bats poi bats poi, whatcha gonna do

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