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Profile for Ronopotamus

GOLD Member since Nov 2001
Registered on: 26th Nov 2001
Total posts: 412

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Last Forum Posts

BERLIN WORKSHOPS:-----------------------------------So this weekend in Berlin is our last workshops of our German workshop tour, so please help to spread the word!Where:The workshops wi...

Our Germany workshop tour is starting! This weekend we will be in Bremen to teach beginners to advanced poi workshops.Here are the dates of our workshop tour:-7th/8th May - Bremen-14th/...

This weekend (9th-10th April) in Tullamore we'll be teaching 2 days of the foundations of poi (the "Back to Basics" workshop above). Aimed at beginner - intermediate but very ...

Follow your Friends

Flaming Devil
The Illusionist
Sparks will fly
The Waltz
do you ever burn yourself doing that?
Rainbow Flowers
Flow with Flowers
ground to sky
fire demon
Purple Rain
Fire ignites me
Hoop Dreams
Those colors &lt;3
Igor and Master
Spinning in the Mountains
Flowshow by Shakta Tribe
My first time with fire
The bigger the stage, the crazier the troupe!
Koh Lanta Sunset
The Fire Eater
Spark of Life
Toasting Those Buns!
Camping and Fire
Contortion flow
Rogue Underground Circus
Orbital of colors
poi at sunset
Hoop Love in LED

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