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Profile for swiftythefireguy

Registered on: 2nd Dec 2001
Total posts: 61

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Last Forum Posts

first knighrt in whistler this year for me still lookin for others to join me drop me a line

hey guys and gals i would like to invite everyone to come up to whistler this year for a spin i should be able to hookup deals on lift passes and hotels and such so come on up for a gre...

thank again peeps lamp oil is so expensive though has anyone heard of "clear lite" it's a synthetic kerosene with no smell . burns great too( it really does not stink!!!!!!!!!!)i found ...

Follow your Friends

Nose hooping
drop one
The Dark Lake
Fairy Botics
An artist at play
Chasing the light
Secret Forrest
Chch fire and flow
Fire and Ice spin flags
fire sparkling stage
Contact Juggling Wizard
Triplengs balance
As one
Double Swords
total immersion
Blissed out
Fire Flower
Burning head
Stanley Styx
Cloudy Hoop
fire poi
Hoop Warrior Princess
Winter Solstice spins
Forest flow
My Happy Place
lakebed spark
Nica Sunset

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