Call the fire department cause its smoking hot uploaded by

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Call the fire department cause its smoking hot

Fire poi juggling during Timișoara Fire Festival.
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Submitted on 2020-02-20 Views:3172
Call the fire department cause its smoking hot

As picked by HoP
1. Lumina @ Denver Buskerfest, by Brandon Marshall entered by Seastar
2. Völundr the Smith entered by Claudiu
3. Ring of Fire entered by Alex Kemp

No. 1
Balance between black and white🙏🔥
No. 2
Call the fire department cause its smoking hot
No. 3
Ring of Fire
No. 4
Big Flames Fun
No. 5
I survived because the fire within me burned brighter than the fire around me.
No. 6
Rise & Shine
No. 7
No. 8
Völundr the Smith
No. 9
Fire hands.
No. 10
No sassy caption needed
No. 11
From darkness comes light
No. 12
Bryant Park Juggling
No. 13
Ring of Fire
No. 14
No. 15
Cave Butterfly
No. 16
staff n staff
No. 17
No. 18
Firefan posing
No. 19
Just spin
No. 20
Summer City Hooping
No. 21
First Fire Candle
No. 22
Back to black!
No. 23
No. 24
Waiting for my cocktails!
No. 25
It wasnt me!
No. 26
Fire in the Market
No. 27
Lumina @ Denver Buskerfest, by Brandon Marshall
No. 28
Hidden Spinner
No. 29
Fire in my belly
No. 30
The Dark Lake
No. 31
Eternal Flame
No. 32
It needs more...  Fire
No. 33
Balancing with Bella
No. 34
Fire Pirate
No. 35
Black celebration

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