Acrylic Contact Juggling Ball Colour - 75mm 3 inch


Acrylic Contact Juggling Ball Colour - 75mm 3 inch

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Acrylic Balls ColorContact Juggling BallsShop for Parts
Coloured acrylic contact juggling balls measuring 75mm 3 inches in diameter.
Includes a protective carry pouch.

Open TabВаши преимущества
  • Suitable contact juggling balls for beginners when doing one ball tricks.
  • Beautiful colors that look great in sunlight and under stage lights.
  • Mixing colors allows you to show your audience the movement of each acrylic ball for added effect.
  • Multiball stacks are smooth and easy.
  • Perfect for isolations.
  • Durable and chip resistant for a long-life product.
  • Includes a protective carry pouch.

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We are excited to launch our range of beautiful coloured balls in pure acrylic.
Unlike polycarbonate juggling balls, or glass juggling balls, acrylic balls have no resistance when rubbed against another acrylic, making your multiball stacks smooth and easy, and perfect for isolations.
These balls are made using optical grade material, which is free of internal distortions, seamless, one-piece, and highly polished.
The pigment evenly diffused throughout the ball, which means you can maintain the illusion of the ball floating instead of rolling.
Durable, chip-resistant, and virtually shatterproof.
Please note that the Ebony Black is opaque rather than translucent.
Which means you can not see through the black ball.

Open TabСпецификация
  • Diameter: 75mm / 3 inches.
  • Weight: 280g.
  • Pure acrylic balls.
  • Includes a protective carry pouch.

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  • Average customer review for service and support:
     4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 26265 reviews)
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  • Our friendly support team is here to assist you with every aspect of your order.
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 5.0 out of 5 stars
(based on 42 reviews)

14th December, 2019
Beautiful juggle ball
"Nice heavy blue see through contact juggle ball."
Kimberly, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Dec 2011

30th April, 2018
"One of the better buys I've made in a while. It's crystal clear, I've dropped it quite a few times cause I'm a novice, and there's no noticable damage or scuff marks. Plus it draws attention from all my friends cause it's beautiful and eye-catching. Definitely buying more when I get the chance."
Ryan, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Apr 2018

22nd December, 2017
Beautiful, high quality juggling ball
"perfect clarity, beautiful color, easy to use, great service"
Mary, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Nov 2017

22nd November, 2017
Gorgeous Purple Ball
"I excitedly unpacked my first acrylic ball for contact juggling. The color (purple) and clarity are amazing. This is a beautiful ball. Once I started working with it, I was equally pleased with the balance and smoothness. This was recommended by my teacher who is apparantly always right. Not gonna tell him that."
Bitsy, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Aug 2017

24th August, 2017
Good product!
"Home of poi is the best! As long as they keep up with there top notch costumer service and high quality products for decent prices they will continue to be my go to."
Benli, Canada.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Mar 2017

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