2,419 posts
Location: la-la land

Hello all - as Durbs and I are starting to get a few enquires - I reckon we should put it down in the events section

Every Thurdays at York Road car park (at the top in winter - on the grass outside when it gets warmer) not the carpark symbol need to drive down the hill between by the red circle and the highstreet - it's in there...

We tend to get there between 7.30 and 8pm and drift off when we are tired, cold or thirsty..

Any toys welcome! All levels of ability welcome.. we can give you pointers, but please don't expect a work shop type affair - but come and play and see what happens.. sit, chat, smoke, spin - s'up to you..or show us new stuff to help inspire..

All poi, staffs, short staff, devil stix, diabolo, swords, astrojax, flags, uv, fire.. you name it we got them - and if not bring more..

Hope to see you - if yo need any info - please PM either me or Durbs..

Take it easy
Niki aka Stix

[ 11. June 2003, 01:41: Message edited by: MisStix* ]

I honour you as an aspect of myself..

You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..

1,359 posts
Location: London/ Surrey

UniS has been rather tetchy about sports facilities at the moment... if it's easier to arrange in a UniS student's name, give me a yell smile

The optimist claims that we are living in the best of all possible worlds.
The pessimist fears this is true.

Always make time to play in the snow.

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

To avoid confusion in Searches and suchlike...

This thread is now no longer valid - The new Guildford Thread is:
[Old link]

Mods - can we lock this?

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude


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