GlowWormBRONZE Member
84 posts
Location: South Africa

Ok, so here's the deal. Im looking through HOP shop, and realise i cant afford any of this stuff! Because of the exchange rate, ill be paying close to R1000 for two sets of poi!! So i was wondering: is $68 alot in america? Is it alot of money to spend?The other thing is: Why is there no regular link chains in the HOP shop. I have no desire to use cable, and im not too sure about ball chain, but since there is no regular link, im going to have to go with ball chains. Are these ok to use?HMMM, maybe this should be on the "What's wrong with the world" thread...!! grin grin grinPeace out------------------ColesId love to be a glow-wormCuz a glow-worm's never glumIt's hard to be downheartedWhen a light shines out your bum

Id love to be a glow-worm
Cuz a glow-worm's never glum
It's hard to be downhearted
When a light shines out your bum

.Morph.SILVER Member
669 posts
Location: Lancashire, UK

I'm a Ball chain convert, I started poi with link chain, but I find ball chain much the same to use except it de-tangles loads easier. Soz I've got no idea about the exchange rate, also I haven't been playin the game but this should be in the Technical Discussion so.... Point! grinPLURFireMorphster:0)~

phunkyold hand
877 posts
Location: Edmonton, AB

I'm sure almost everyone on this board would give in a good word about ball chain.------------------[]Dhuong-Vu Truong==== []Dhunky ====

20 posts
Location: Denver, Colorado

And no, $68 isn't too pricey in America. What's killin me is the $200 price tag on those ultima swinging tubes. They look fun as hell, but I'm too far in debt to shell out that kind of cash for new toys frown------------------"Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing. It's the rhythm of your life. It's the expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy." ~Jaques D'ambroise

The Welcome Mattmember
193 posts
Location: Manchester NH USA

for me, dishing out 68 bucks here in the states is way beyond my budget.. but i'm a poor college kid...------------------I dreamt that I ate a 10 pound marshmellow and then when I woke up, my pillow was gone!

I dreamt that I ate a 10 pound marshmellow and then when I woke up, my pillow was gone!

406 posts
Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

Easy!$68=one ticket into a large event, 2 pills, a Redbull and vodka to get me kickin', and a water. wink------------------I feel more like I do now than I did when I got here.~~~Dance as if noone is watching!~~~PLUR(RE) ---J---

FREE TIBET!!! (with the purchase of a 44 oz. drink)What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be a kid again!I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.~~~J~~~

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