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MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Ok, it had to be done, so I am doing it.


*You have set fire to your clothes more than three times in your life.

*(Men only) you have hit yourself hard in the nads at least five times in one day.

*You are no longer bothered by the puzzled look on the cashier's face as she rings you up for three cans of white gas and a pack of bic lighters.

*You always have a lighter on you, even though you don't smoke.

*Your idea of a good time is to spend a night making strangers stop and stare at you.

Any others?


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

SickpuPpyNinja Rockstar!
1,100 posts
Location: Denver, Co. U.S.A.

Not only do you find the smell of Kero comforting, but you find yourself smelling your Zippo lighter at work to get you through the day.

Jesus helps me trick people.

406 posts
Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

Originally posted by SilverEyes:
When you have to give an impromptu demonstration on the side of the road for the nice officer to explain the kero cans and rags in the back of your vehicle.
Did that one the other night! The officer was absolutely amazed! He even asked for one of my cards!

I can't believe that no one has mentioned...
~You have black boogers!

And I'll definitely suport Pozee on
~You are scared to smoke in your car
~You really want to be in the circus! (to the point that you have started to look for casting calls)

FREE TIBET!!! (with the purchase of a 44 oz. drink)What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be a kid again!I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.~~~J~~~

102 posts
Location: Austria

*going through your day humming over under and out* count?
(i soooo itch to try fire even if it's only to do the split butterfly....ack)

Out to Wrong Rights and Depress the Opressed.

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Originally posted by glowshow:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by SilverEyes:
[qb]When you have to give an impromptu demonstration on the side of the road for the nice officer to explain the kero cans and rags in the back of your vehicle.

I think I mentioned this on another thread, but we were having a party at my house and I was spinning fire outside. Well, cars kept slowing down to watch. Eventually, a cop car drove up, slowed down (It didn't look like he'd been called there), and stopped. I kept spinning because I didn't see a good reason to stop and he hadn't asked me to stop.

When I finished, he walked up and said "Listen, I'm not supposed to say this, but...could you do that again?"

I was more than happy to.

Anyways, I came up with another one:

*You ALWAYS carry your practice pois with you and sometimes practice outside during your lunch break at work or school.



Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

92 posts
Location: roanoke, VA


*You ALWAYS carry your practice pois with you and sometimes practice outside during your lunch break at work or school.

almost every day either during lunch or after work i grab my practice poi

Actually, glowshow gave me tips on MAKING them
Thanks man..

*when your friends stay away from you because of fear you will spontaneously combust*

*instead of kick me signs on your back, you get "fire hazzard" signs put on you*

*you have to be careful smoking when you sweat*

*your room, pillows, sheets, clothing, towels all smell like kero*

*there are 349867928457698 scorch marks on your front lawn*

*there are soot marks inside where you swung the UNLIT poi*

*you explain things in everyday life as "BTB", "weave", "butterfly", "windmill" etc etc and no one knows what the hell you are talking about*

*you've ever met anyone off this board before (glowshow)*

Peace,Travis IM: frodus17

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

(for staffers)

You break every new umbrella you buy well before you lose it...

[ 30 April 2002, 13:15: Message edited by: Charles (INFERNO) ]

HoP Posting Guidelines
* Is it the Truth?
* Is it Fair to all concerned?
* Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
* Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

33 posts
Location: Springfield, MO. USA

-You have to explain why some of your hair is missing-
-You are constantly looking for things to spin-
-Your the only person you know who buys tennis balls and nylon rope at the same time-
-You think kero smells good-
-Your friends who dont spin think your crazy but like you anyway-
-Your plants and household items look abused-
-You catch yourself working on moves even though you dont have any poi with you-
-You pratice in your sleep-
-You want to be outside spinning fire; even if it's snowing (did that a couple of times, very fun!)-
-You type certain words in Kazaa search engine hoping to find viddies of other spinners (haven't found ANY!! -


I need a map of your head, so I can learn to not make you frown.-Incubus

[ 30 April 2002, 14:38: Message edited by: Kender ]

Phuhzzzie Wuhzzzie the Pumpkin Kingmember
141 posts
Location: Melbourne, the new Land of Nod

Here's one for folk like me who go out to poi at night but they don't know where, but it's ok because they have friends tht poi all over the place.

You carry two bags.

Typical converstion between me and non-poiing friend (NPF).

NPF: Phuhzzz, why do you have two bags?

Phuhzzz: One has toys and the other has a change of clothes that I don't want smelling of kero.

NPF: OK. Cool.

Phuhzzz: Can I crash at yours?

NPF: Sure.

Phuhzzz: Yippee! Thanks.

A wise man once said to me, Hey! You! Get out of my wardrobe! and in a way, I guess he was right.

arsnHow do you change this thing???
1,903 posts
Location: Behind the couch...

If you start to have feelings for all those poor lost trolleys who sleep alone in our streets... waiting for heavy rain... BE FREE TROLLEYS... BE FREE...

Wipes a tear and shys away...

I can't hear you... I have a banana in my ear.

"You mean I'll have to use my brain?... but I use staff!!!" ~ ben-ja-men

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

- when you plan nights around twirling, rather than plan twirling around a night.
- when you press rewind on the DVD cus some chick's got firepoi or Yo-Shi is reverse figure of 8'ing a 2 sectional staff...
- when you wake up in a bath tub filled with ice and there are stitches over your kidneys.
- when you have a heated debate with john doe over wether it's called a buzzsaw, bycicle wheel or.. ferris wheel??
- when you deliberate over what toy to use the same way imelda marcos agonised over shoe choice.
- when you exchange looks at your twirling injuries with other twirlers.
- when you spend more time at a rave twirling than boogeying!
- when purchasing 20 glowsticks, and the counter chick asks which rave ur going to and you reply - what rave?
- when you look at electronics stores n say 'hey AU$3.95 is an ok price for 3V CR2032 button batteries!'
- when you see someone twirl on the david letterman show, and you think 'pffft! sloppy! *I* can swallow that poi!'
- when a pretty girl asks ya if ya wanna top off the night, you think she's gunna pull out some innercore firetaves.
glad to know there are other peeps out there as enthusiastic about twirlywhirleyz! Zoinks!

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

171 posts
Location: Bristol, UK

Even the faintest smell of burning hair brings back so many memories!


KaliBRONZE Member
577 posts
Location: Berlin, Germany

Okay, so here's two that have happened to me at my work - which is in a rehab center from 10pm to 6am.

*I have found myself bringing my torches and practice pois with me to work and practicing in the darkened lobby at 4 in the morning.

*I had a guy who spent 22 years in prison tell me that my hobbies seemed too dangerous to him and he'd be really worried if I was his daughter.

Beauty is the conscious sum of all our perversions.-Salvador DaliHope without action is hopeless.

167 posts
Location: leicester, england

...when you have a pair of "6-sigma" keyrings (presented by work to commemorate something) on elastic bands so you can twirl sitting at your desk while waiting for your dumb workstation to catch-you-up...

...when your screen saver is shadow-fire twirling to bomb's over bagdad by outkast, and everyone in your office knows the words...

...when you have to cut all your hair off before work to disguise the patch that go burned out lastnight...

...when your non-fire mates get scared everytime you pull a lighter out of your pocket...

...when you light your sambuca in your mouth, not the glass...

...when you spit your 4th sambuca rather than drink it as the flame didnt seem big enough any more... ...and you were bored of all the conversation in the bar anyway...

...when the whole back of one (or more) of your t-shirts has been claimed by a so-called-mates fire-whip...

...when you use 3-D CAD programs from work to design and run stress analysis on a "new breed of fire sword"...

...when you cant wait for the end of the month when you have a 4 day holiday twirling in the sun (hopefully!)...


you can take the cat out of the jungle, but you cant take the jungle out of the cat

249 posts
Location: Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

when a weave does not involve baskets
helicopters have nothing to do with machinery
butterflys are not friendly insects
windmills have nothing to do with alternate energy sources
and when you start weaving your pencil and making fire noises in the middle of a sport science test, when your friends dont even ask what your doing on monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday or sunday night, and when they do ask why im sitting there with my arms crossed above my head, head tilted and a puzzled expression on my face. (the early stages of my 5 beat)

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

Cat boy hahaha OMG, I have that oohh shiate. I also listen to it every day... motovation heh

-when you have scratches on the back of your head and face from spinning keys all day

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

92 posts
Location: roanoke, VA

i can relate to that six sigma thing

I work at GE and i have a couple of GE TURBINE CONTROL SYSTEM key lanyards, one key on each
i swing as i'm walking to get parts out of stock

*you don't mind the looks people give you when you go to the store, buy 2 cans of fuel, a fire extinguisher and a 3 pack of BIC lighters*

*you have ever dipped your finger in fuel and lit it out of morbid curiousity*

*your drink nights with friends involve alcohol, parafin and a lighter, and you don't drink*

*your drunk friends have ever asked if they could try it*

Peace,Travis IM: frodus17

406 posts
Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

Word up, Frodus! I met Supafly off HoP as well, and now he is one of my good friends.

When you convince the night-shift supervisor at Wal-Mart that it's a matter of life or death to search through the back room to find you a couple of cans of white gas at 5:45 in the morning in a town you have never been to after spending 45 minutes trying to find the damn place, only to return to the party to find that it's over. And then finding out you left your $350 camera in the DJ booth...and it's not there anymore!

You have poured white gas on your hand (just a little bit! Damn!) and lit it to see how long you had to put it out because you have this crazy idea about how to light your wicks.

You harass every club owner in town to let you spin fire in their establishment.
(Bonus points if you get a "Yes." )

FREE TIBET!!! (with the purchase of a 44 oz. drink)What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be a kid again!I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.~~~J~~~

master sodiummember
536 posts
Location: carson city, nevada

all your teachers think you're huffing fuels

all this mad talk of butterflies, corkscrews and windmills makes them certain you're huffing fuels.

you can't have a war against terrorism because war IS's not about worshipping fire. its about making the fire want to worship you.

nomadBRONZE Member
356 posts
Location: Paris, France

You can't play pool without spinning the cue on your sides while your opponent makes a shot.


MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Glowshow, I just got a "no" from a hotel manager in Chicago. They didn't think it would be a good idea to have a 24-year-old with Attention Deficity Hyperactivity Disorder playing with fire in their establishent. (It was for a talent show at a convention of ADHDers)


Anyways got another one:

*You are covered by small cuts, scrapes, and bruises that you cannot explain...and you haven't been drinking.


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

MrConfusedBRONZE Member
529 posts
Location: I wish I knew, United Kingdom

Ordinary household burns (grill pans, etc.) no longer seem to hurt as much as they once did.

Your clothes are covered in dirty great soot marks within a few hours of wearing


If you're not confused, you're not thinking about things hard enough.

CarreySILVER Member
180 posts
Location: London, England.

Just a couple to add...'ve managed to lift your pain threshold considerably over the last year... hang out on HoP waiting for the new toy you absolutely have to have...

...the smell of kero turns you on... (This could just be me though... )

fireboyAn angry young man with a passon for metal
252 posts
Location: Wagga Wagga, N.S.W, Australia

when you twril naked and burn your pubic hairs eeeerrmm oh wanent asposed to admit to that.
when you have 3 or mls of kerosene you get your lighter and put the kero in your mouht and FOOOM
*fuck my eyebrows are burn off*


<<SINister miNISister>>
remeber kids jesus slaves

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

you often start a discussion by "so i was chatting with X (any weird name we chose on HOP) the other day about..."

you're taking the train to London to meet and spin with wonderful people whom you've never met

you wonder how to make sparkley poi

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

CarreySILVER Member
180 posts
Location: London, England.

Posted: spend a lot of time on the Persil site ordering Persil bags to send to everyone you know because they're free, they make great holders for Glow Ball poi and they have those handy blue drawstring tweaks and we all know what you do with those...

...why, make poi bags for storage of course!

greenfyregirlSILVER Member
55 posts
Location: Cheltenham, England

Thanks 4 the tip! i just ordered one!!!!

DJ DantanaBRONZE Member
1,495 posts
Location: Stillwater, Ok. USA

You don't even feel burns less than 3rd degree, or even notice them untill several days later when they start to change color. (ok, well only the little 2nd degree burns aren't noticable)

You have to use your shirts to to dry off with because you have used all of your towels to make fire wicks.

You don't have any socks left, for the same reason.

You are getting used to people telling you that you smell like gasoline,

You smell yourself and don't notice anything.

You have people that noodle (sticking your arm in a hole, underwater, in the hopes that a masive fish will be there, and not a snapping turtle or a snake) tell you that what you are doing is dangerouse.

you get pissed off when movies use fire in unrealistic ways (like when they hit somebody with a little ol' flaming stick and their whole body bursts into flame)

we eat and we drink and we smoke and we try!

92 posts
Location: roanoke, VA

Originally posted by glowshow:
Word up, Frodus! I met Supafly off HoP as well, and now he is one of my good friends.

You have poured white gas on your hand (just a little bit! Damn!) and lit it to see how long you had to put it out because you have this crazy idea about how to light your wicks.

You harass every club owner in town to let you spin fire in their establishment.
(Bonus points if you get a "Yes." )

Great to hear from you again

I lit my hand on fire the other night, singed some hair, but i lit my friends POI
it was badass

And i've harassed the club here that throws raves, and its sounding like a "residency" might be possible with our little group. not sure about legal things, but we're takin it slow, getting permits, etc etc.

*you've ever met someone at a party that also spins fire

*you've ever asked someone at a party if they go to HOP
(bonus if you got a yes)

*you have ever tried lighting poi with a cigarette
(bonus if you SPUN with it)

Peace,Travis IM: frodus17

Queen Vmember
10 posts
Location: Seattle,Wa usa

OK I GOT ONE- you know your a poi addict when your offering to light yourself on fire for free if they buy your gas or you find yourself on a corner standing around junkies and prostitutes with a piece of carboard in your hand that says "SPARE CHANGE FOR WHITE GAS -GOD BLESS" i got a really good one-im in a welding class right now and submerged welders are telling me fire eating/spinning must be dangerous/hazordous to my health (submerged welders have chances of blowing up and gases leaking into their wet suits and shark attacks!!)and all the other welders think im nuts too


24 posts
Location: UK.

I love the persil bag idea! Loads on order!

... when your optician tests you for glaucoma every 6 monts because of the chemical residues (and iritation) you alway seem to have in your eyes.

... when the same optician ofers you safety specs coz you always seem to be braking normal ones.

... when your girlfriend knows youre not sneaking off to get drunk with your mates or to see another woman... it's a fire affair.

If music is the expression of emotion, politics is merely the decoy of perception.I sing with fire.

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