Forums > Introductions > Arizona Girl new to Poi!!

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pitchereSILVER Member
27 posts
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Hi everyone! Just want to introduce myself and hope there are some awesome people out there who are willing to clue me into this new world! I'm very excited for the arrival of my training poi (fluffy balls to get used to the moves). I've done poi for approximately 20 minutes and can already to the typical spins, butterfly, alternating butterfly, and am learning the weave. I love a challenge and really would like to explore this awesome new skill! I'm 25 and live in Phoenix Arizona. I'd love to hear from people all over the world and can't wait to meet some great new people! Thanks so much for reading this and please, feel free to private message me or reply on here! I'd love to talk! Thanks!


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9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Yay! Well done.



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Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

BirdGOLD Member
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Hello and welcome to HoP!!

wave weavesmiley

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pitchereSILVER Member
27 posts
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Wow, quick responses! Thanks so much! Very nice to meet you both! How long have you been in HOP?

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JauntyJamesSILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
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y0! congratulations, because i anti-hate you!! heart heart heart


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linden rathenGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
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heya smile welcome to HoP
*mutters* i was hoping to get first post - damn you NYC
*waves frantically anyway
btw phoenix rocks smile love that city - went there for a holiday a few years ago was soooo fun smile


pitchereSILVER Member
27 posts
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Hi Sparkey! Thanks for anti-hating me! lol Very nice to meet you!

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FearpigSILVER Member
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Location: Bethnal Green, London, England (UK)


How did you find Poi, are you into any other circusy type stuff?

Pro softball...? Excuse my ignorance but is that like rounders with a big ball and bat? (sorry I'm British!)

Anyway happy spinning!

"Whats wrong with the cat?" - Mrs Schrödinger

DinkBRONZE Member
70 posts
Location: in a bubble :), United Kingdom

Hello biggrin

im a gemini..go figure

pitchereSILVER Member
27 posts
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Fearpig- Softball is like baseball with a smaller field and a bigger ball. That's the easiest way to explain it. I actually played softball in Holland in 2003 for 6 months and went to Italy for the European Championships and won! Good times!

I found poi from a lady this past weekend in a small town. I was visiting to do a softball camp and she showed us some of her moves. My sister and I loved it so we are both ordering training poi to practice new moves!

Thanks for saying hi!!

Dink- Hi there! How are you??

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Adya MiriyanaGOLD Member
6,554 posts
Location: Adelaide, Australia

Hey, welcome to Hop! tongue bounce

pitchereSILVER Member
27 posts
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Hi Adya! Thanks so much! Love the little froggy! Very cute! How are you doing?

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RyGOLD Member
Gromit's Humble Squire
4,496 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Hi Erica wave

A warm intro deserves a warm welcome devil Sounds like you're making -really- good progress. 20 mins and you've got all that- my first couple of days and I was still thwapping myself in the face with tennis balls on string. I find it bizarre how some people I know keep telling me I'm a fast learner..

But yes, regarding people from all over and wonderful ones at that.. you've come to the right place biggrin Welcome!

FearpigSILVER Member
member - tee hee "member"
279 posts
Location: Bethnal Green, London, England (UK)

Wow - learn something new every day. Congrats on winning and welcome to Poi / Staff / Juggling / Diablo / Devil Sticks / Stilts ....... one thing leads to another!!

"Whats wrong with the cat?" - Mrs Schrödinger

Bubbles_SILVER Member
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hey and welcome biggrin hug hope you like it here

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The Tea FairySILVER Member
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Pink...?BRONZE Member
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Hello wave

Do you like the colour pink? ubbangel

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9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Written by: Fearpig

Pro softball...? Excuse my ignorance but is that like rounders with a big ball and bat? (sorry I'm British!)

Softball is awesome. I was back at UCLA in the early 90s when Rebecca Hernandez went 29-0 and DeeDee Welman was averaging over 10 Ks a game. Those women can THROW.

But yes, it's a bit like rounders with a slightly larger ball than baseball. But the pitcher's mound is closer so you've got even less time to swing.

You go girl. wink

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

pitchereSILVER Member
27 posts
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Ry- Thanks so much for the warm welcome! you aren't kidding, the people here are awesome!! Also, I definitely hit myself a few times with those fluffy balls, but it's been a lot of fun learning. Now I'm waiting for my own set so I can't do it for 2 weeks. Can't wait to get going!

Fearpig- Thanks for the welcome! You never know what I'll be doing in a year right? I'll probably bedoing poi and juggling and all kinds of stuff! What are you mostly into??

liquid bubblegum- Thanks for the welcome! I feel like a part of the family already!

teafairy=- CUTE! Love the welcome sign.

Pink- of course I like pink, actually, I got my training fluffy poi in pink and purple. Should be cute!

NYC- I love softball! Been playing it since I was about 6 and played at Arizona State. Now I'm playing pro and loving it! I'm a pitcher as well too! You'll see me on ESPN this summer!

Whether you believe you can or can't you WILL be right.

pitchereSILVER Member
27 posts
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

So do you guys have any advice or tips for me to get started? I've got reasonably good control of the poi, but I can always learn something new and would love to hear your stories about how you started and what challenges you faced. Thanks!!


Whether you believe you can or can't you WILL be right.

RyGOLD Member
Gromit's Humble Squire
4,496 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Well Erica, you can always make yourself some sock poi! Socks and tennis balls biggrin

Hmm... assuming you've just started, you might still be able to keep track of what moves you've nailed. Where poiwise are you at now?

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Written by: pitchere

NYC- I love softball! Been playing it since I was about 6 and played at Arizona State. Now I'm playing pro and loving it! I'm a pitcher as well too! You'll see me on ESPN this summer!

Not unnless they start pickin' up ESPN softball games in Scotland. Which is where I'll be with my girlie all summer. biggrin

But maybe I'll tell my brothers to Tivo you. Since they've got nothin' else to do all summer.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

pitchereSILVER Member
27 posts
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Ry- I've only done poi for about 20 minutes and I can do the butterfly and the alternating butterfly and trying to learn the weave. Right now I'm just trying it with my hands.

NYC- gotcha! Scotland all summer? Awesome!!! How fun!

Whether you believe you can or can't you WILL be right.

RyGOLD Member
Gromit's Humble Squire
4,496 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Get some socks and tennis balls!! :P

I'd suggest mastering the weave, then trying the reverse weave, because then you can switch from one to the other when you turn.

After that, maybe the low turn, then the high turn..

Sounding manageable? smile

pitchereSILVER Member
27 posts
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

I'm one step ahead of you! he he he, I did exactly that today. I got the forward and reverse weave down. Wasn't bad once I figured out how to do the turn. What do you mean by low and high turn?

Whether you believe you can or can't you WILL be right.

25 posts
Location: Phoenix, Az

Hey Erica!

Congrats on getting those moves flowing. I am also in the Phx area and have been spinning for almost a year. Keep it up! weavesmiley

Her Ladyship Hot Shot

pitchereSILVER Member
27 posts
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

aww, Thanks Cece! I just got an e-mail from a person in a spinning group and my sister and I are planning on going to a class. Sounds like a blast! I'm all for learning new moves! How did you get into it?


Whether you believe you can or can't you WILL be right.

pitchereSILVER Member
27 posts
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

YAY! I got my poi yesterday!! I got the fluffy ones that wont hurt when I whack myself all over my body!!! I'm going to watch the DVD to learn some new moves! I can't wait to get started! How are you all doing??? Have a great weekend? I spent mine in Boise, Idaho doing a softball camp. Long trip, but I'm back home and have a few weekends off from camp, so ready to get to work!!

Erica biggrin

Whether you believe you can or can't you WILL be right.

pitchereSILVER Member
27 posts
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Where is everyone? I've finally gotton my fluffy poi and ready to work. Does anyone recommend a practice strategy or anything like that? I'd appreciate any help!

Thanks everyone for being so welcoming! You guys rock! biggrin smile

Whether you believe you can or can't you WILL be right.

pitchereSILVER Member
27 posts
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

I figured I'd try to rekindle this thread because it's been so long. I've been gone all around the country playing pro softball all summer and now I'm back home and ready to keep learning with my poi. I have lost touch with the community and wish I hadn't. I'd love to meet new people in the southwest US and all over the world. I'm more than willing to save up and go new places to practice poi. Any excuse to head overseas is a good one!!


Whether you believe you can or can't you WILL be right.

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