Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

I wish everyone in the world could get on with each other, it seems as if no one respects each others lives anymore. The sniper in America, Bali bombing, Melbourne shooting, more recently (today) Russian theatre hostages...

When we people learn that violence never solved anything? I know that we will never have perfect peace. Just sometimes i really do wish that we could all get along.

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

Nephtysresident fridge magnet
835 posts
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands


If there are still people like you out there who care, Alice, all is not lost! And it's not just you, everyone on this board seems to care - and once we rule the world we'll MAKE everyone love one another! mwahahahahahahaaaaa!!!! Cheer up hon, things will get better eventually - and it's not all bad: two very long-running conflicts (Sri Lanka and Congo) were ended recently, talks are being held in Ivory Coast to stop the fighting, and even in the Russian theatre, no-one has been killed and there are negotiations going on - it might still come to a good ending...
I think you yourself told me only a little while ago that every cloud has a silver lining, even if it's partialy hidden...


everyone's unique except me

2,419 posts
Location: la-la land

I agree - but some nations have been fighting for generations.. example Isreal and Ireland.. the youth have grown up to think that bombs, blood and hatred are normal.. we need to iradicate this social conditioning before we can have peace and harmony.. a very difficult task me thinks..

Ps my Dad works in the DRC (Congo) he says everything there is still very very tence.. but at least they are staring to make an effort.. there hasn't been an assination attepmt in oohh at least two weeks.. ( Dad says its hell out there.. but then again he does live in Zimbabwe and thats not much better) (boo hiss to Mugabe - If I said that in Zim I could be lynched - just as well I'm in the UK BBBOOOOOOO HHHIIIIISSSSSSSSSSS)

I honour you as an aspect of myself..

You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..

279 posts
Location: Bath, UK

It's all going to be ok.

Trust me.

Magnus... pay it forward

1,463 posts
Location: Florida

Not only trust Magnus but trust in yourself is the key.
We can all do our part we just have to find our role and live it.
The time will come and it wont be bad you will be able to choose.

Much love, Drome


Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

We are all one crew in the spaceship earth.
It's just that we're in a bloody great mutiny and don't realise it.


Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

erm 2 tings...

1: i cant decide whcih post i should be worried about; either magnus' very sinister and evil post...or Bender bizzare post

2. i do agree with you totally....i think we should organsie a world wide group hug..or as i have said he before...get all the world leaders very very stoned..and so they will agree to anything....even world peace

279 posts
Location: Bath, UK

it wasn't meant to be sinister and evil!

To explain what I really think would take a whole novel, and fortunately I am actually writing it, so that's ok.

All evil in the world is part of the great learning process. It's due to frustrated people testing actions that they deep down know won't help themselves or anyone else.

One of our most basic functions is to learn, and one day, we will.

Magnus... pay it forward

168 posts
Location: London

unfortunately, it seems to be in human nature to want power, and while people still require that, there is always going to be disagreement in the world (often leading to fighting). All i guess we can do it try to limit this is to channel it into discussion and negotiation rather than violence. Of course much of the problem stems from religion, and the failure to recognise other people's beliefs, but for that there is no cure other than the obvious...

ho hum!


you have to let it all go... Fear, doubt and disbelief... Free your mind!

Times like these people wanna get High...
Real High and Real Fast...
This is gonna do it!!

279 posts
Location: Bath, UK

"it seems to be in human nature to want power"

It's not.

It's in our nature to want to have our needs met.

It is only when we fear our needs will not be met that we want power.

Magnus... pay it forward

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

yea it is in our nature to want more than our fellows. This is arguably the root cause of the suffering.

how to we make the world a better place?
Gandhi taught us that "we must first be the change that we wish to see"
Hence, the first battle ground for a better world begins with your own psyche.

Do not mistake your psyche as being 'of the one mood' at a time. it is not! it is a chorus of often conflicting forces (fear, love, hate, lust, sloth - I'll call them 'egos') that rise and fall all the time. The noise has been in the background all our lives, so it is often impossible at first to recognise this (for example, try to just concentrate on just brushing your teeth without thinking about anything else). We are deaf to this noise.
If we can identify the negative egos as they manifest, earlier, then it is easier to disregard them and we can allow them to wash over us. We can choose to develop the positivity in us - see it as a divine part of our mind; the perception, wisdom and compassion inherent in us.

It is in this fundamental level of society - our minds, our intentions! - that the seed for a better tomorrow takes root. All the arms control, population nourishment and environmental advances will simply unravel again if our deceit, avarice and greed are not minimised.

If you can grow eyes with which to see this interplay of mental forces, you begin to appreciate the astonishing ability we have to control our own mental states. It's hard to learn about the esoteric workings of the mind, but it is better to see than to be ignorant of the internal turmoil.

So yes, this spaceship we call 'Earth' can be saved, but the ultimate dliemma is: how many times must we save it to realise that we need to defuse our self-desctructive impulses?
ok now that i've let that off my chest, let's burn some stuff!
:lights up a lighter:

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

2,419 posts
Location: la-la land

Every thing was fine on earth untill we arrived..
we take advantage of every natural resource and spread like cancer..

It's going to take a lot to change peoples minds and the way that they interact with others.. but the more of us that think in a different way and edjucate our offspring.. one day we might reach critical mass and be able to change things..

Social conditioning is hard to break - most people suffer from recividism

I honour you as an aspect of myself..

You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..

Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

Pink Poi I am with you in the desire to live in a more peaceful world.

My own answer to world peace is to have more women in positions of power. I think that when the world has no patriarchal societies left, and there are still hundreds, it will be a much more peaceful place to live. Lots of the violence we see in the world is testosterone fuelled. Look at any big meeting of world powers and you will see the heads around the table are mostly male and the female heads are such a small minority their voices are seldom heard. IMO any woman who wants to get into a position of power has to become so masculine to get anywhere through the boy's network that her femininity becomes supressed.

Look at how groups of boys and girls play differently. Little girls play nurturing games as a rule (to which there are exceptions) and little boys play fighting games as a rule (to which there are exceptions). As folk get older groups of women will talk things out if there is a problem, yes there may be tears and tantrums but we seldom come to blows. Where as men more often resort to violence when trying to sort out disputes. This is also true in politics.

Guys, before you jump on my femminist ass for saying this, I would like to point out that men who are attracted to high (powerful governmental) positions usually have very high testosterone levels (Idi Amin for example is rumoured to have huge testicles, therefore producing massive amounts of testosterone)and the evolved, non power crazy guys spin fire and become fluffy caring individuals.

I am not saying that the world should be ran by women, just that if the world were ran by men and women equally , ie:50/50, it may be a nicer place to live.

I love men. Of all different sizes shapes and backgrounds. I just don't want to live in a world ruled by them.

[ 25 October 2002, 05:20: Message edited by: Thistle ]

Are we nearly there yet?

2,419 posts
Location: la-la land

here here Thistle!

I honour you as an aspect of myself..

You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..

158 posts
Location: england

here here Thistle
here and there Thistle

just more thoughts from Israel where i was for 33 days 17 days ago
Everyday populace being bombed every week.
every week...

I was 2 blocks away from 1 of the bombs that killed over 10 people,hospitalised,scared and weakened slightly a whole country of everyday people wanting to get along and live where most of them were born

I did a performance in Jerusalem at 1 of the 2 high risk area's for where the authorities knew 2 bombers had plans ... Luckily no bombs went off at all
just spider senses buzzing in my mind
I admire the people who stay at home for a few days after a bomb - then slowly resume their lives knowing they might be the next innocents added to a death list

My girlfriend Sheli is studying in Jerusalem
and lives at the other side of Israel - commuting everyday
If i think too much i go crazy so am i supposed to stop?

i wish i had a button i could press that released peaceful'ness out into the world

And Israel is only 1 place

maybe a box of buttons
a large box

does anyone know where the 'large box of buttons shop' is ?

Good peaceful orange smiles towards us all waking up tomorrow

1,463 posts
Location: Florida

Originally posted by Magnus:
"it seems to be in human nature to want power"

It's not.

It's in our nature to want to have our needs met.

It is only when we fear our needs will not be met that we want power.



Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

I just had to bring this thread up again.

Reading about the Al-Qaeda threatening UK,

And about how UK and US are threatening war on Iraq because they don't believe the report...they said they wouldnt believe the report before it was even finished! They just want to make war it seems.

i know there's nothing i can do about it. i know there has always been fighting and war. But i just wish that in our day and age, can't we do anything to stop it all? Every time i read the news i just cry to myself i know it sounds sad but i can't help it. i hate living in such a violent time. At least in the "old days" there wasn't chemical warfare, weapons of mass destruction, atomic bombs, In the "old days" people fought against armys, it wasn't good but at least they were "prepared" to die (in a loose sence) Nowadays people are resorting to terrorism and hurting innocent people. Even "civilised" countries that are meant to be helping the world bomb and hurt innocent civilians. How can you drop a bomb without knowing it wont kill someone innocent?


Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Pink Poi, you act as if you were actually expecting Bush to say "Ok, I was wrong!"

Tell me you're actually not surprised by any of this, please?


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

I'm not suprised at all. Just wish somehow things could turn out differently.

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

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