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Forums > Social Discussion > Remember, Never Forget - Dunblane

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VampyricAcidSILVER Member
1,286 posts
Location: My House, United Kingdom

Hi guys,

I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight quite an important date. The Thirteenth of March which is Tomorrow and I wanted to ask a favour. The Thirteenth of March 1996 was a horrendous day in Scotland probably infact the whole of the UK if not the world. On that day a vile evil creature entered a School in Dunblane and murdered 16 children and one adult the cildren were aged 5-6 years old. every single child in the class that was attacked was injured in someway..however 16 lost their lives. This is the tenth year anniversary of that horrendous day, I thought it would be nice to remember the children that were so cruelly struck down before they had a chance to truly live. I will be lighting a candle in my lving room window tomorrow as a mark of remembarence and respect for those lives as is the tradition of the families who lost their loved ones. I would ask that some of you do the same and when asked why let people know that it is to remember those children. I have attached a photograph and the names of the children murdered and a poem.

The Bairns of Dunblane
no kiss on the cheek for the souls of the slain
no bugle to announce their sweet smiles
no fanfare for the bairns of dunblane

no warmth of the sun or the wind or the rain
no jerusalem in this pleasant isle
no kiss on the cheek for the souls of the slain

no coming of age, just the hurt and the pain
no one to beget or beguile
no fanfare for the bairns of dunblane
no birdsong at morning or summer evening refrain
no grinning or glint of a smile
no kiss on the cheek for the souls of the slain

no friend in the playground just them on their ane
no sweetness that he could defile
no fanfare for the bairns of dunblane
no death in the memory as it shall never wane
no slow walk with a love down the aisle
no kiss on the cheek for the souls of the slain
no fanfare for the bairns of dunblane

I just thought I would share this with you all.

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Helz BellzSILVER Member
lovin' it...
2,444 posts
Location: Bristol!, United Kingdom

hug frown smile frown hug

I remember Dunblane happening like it was yesterday, can't believe 10 years have passed.

Thank you for sharing the poem.


Live well, love much, laugh often...

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Loki_the_tricksterSILVER Member
Has sharp edges
1,266 posts
Location: Stuck in the mire, USA

that was a beautiful poem
*wipes tears from eyes*
I have a 6 year old daughter and I cant even begin to imagine what those parents went through and continue to go through every day for the rest of thier lives ubbcrying my heart bleeds for those folks grouphug
I'd type more but I cant see my screen anymore
I need a tissue
Thanks for sharing and remembering hug

My ADD makes it so that.....Ooooo SHINY.....wanna go ride bikes....wait....where am I.....

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