·:¦[ Feed my will to feel this moment urging me to cross the line. ·:¦[ Reaching out to embrace the random. ·:¦[ Reaching out to embrace whatever may come. __/( tool: lateralus )/¯¯
·:¦[ Feed my will to feel this moment urging me to cross the line. ·:¦[ Reaching out to embrace the random. ·:¦[ Reaching out to embrace whatever may come. __/( tool: lateralus )/¯¯
Geologists do it in the dirt................
·:¦[ Feed my will to feel this moment urging me to cross the line. ·:¦[ Reaching out to embrace the random. ·:¦[ Reaching out to embrace whatever may come. __/( tool: lateralus )/¯¯
Magnus... pay it forward
I honour you as an aspect of myself..
You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..
I honour you as an aspect of myself..
You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..
·:¦[ Feed my will to feel this moment urging me to cross the line. ·:¦[ Reaching out to embrace the random. ·:¦[ Reaching out to embrace whatever may come. __/( tool: lateralus )/¯¯
I honour you as an aspect of myself..
You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..
X x X x X
Ship off the starboard! sound general quarters! noise and light discipline! man the cannons! GET ME THE RUM!
Master of the Free Hug Program
Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK
Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]
HoP Posting Guidelines
* Is it the Truth?
* Is it Fair to all concerned?
* Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
* Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?
·:¦[ Feed my will to feel this moment urging me to cross the line. ·:¦[ Reaching out to embrace the random. ·:¦[ Reaching out to embrace whatever may come. __/( tool: lateralus )/¯¯
·:¦[ Feed my will to feel this moment urging me to cross the line. ·:¦[ Reaching out to embrace the random. ·:¦[ Reaching out to embrace whatever may come. __/( tool: lateralus )/¯¯
I live in a world of infinite possibilities.
quote:doesn't that include pretty much everything anyone ever does (wearing different colour clothes, moving and so on)...?
Originally posted by Axis:
the manipulation of light within space
"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood
"Switching between different kinds of chuu chuu sometimes gives this "urgh wtf?" effect because it's giving people the phi phenomenon."
thats right i look like an albino ape that has had a bad day.. go ahead say something stupid... i dare ya !
thats right i look like an albino ape that has had a bad day.. go ahead say something stupid... i dare ya !
No one knows me like I do.