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si_sheffSILVER Member
128 posts
Location: United Kingdom

hey everyone, as some of you may well already know, a few years past my time up here in sheffield a wonderful chap called p.k got together with some of his friends and created the local event which we all know and love; poi in the park. each year since we have been getting together every month to spin fire, teach new people, learn new tricks ourselves and generally have as much fun in the park with cool people as can be had, and each month id like to think we all come away from pitp enriched, sometimes slightly singed, but always having had a good time.

every year around the september/october time however we also have a big birthday celebration to mark another successful year of pitp, and this year we've got something very special lined up for you all.. :-)

sadly mr pk is no longer in sheffield to host the event, although he and his family are always here with us in spirit, but it has been left to matt and i to carry on his legacy and ensure every time we meet, our community is as friendly, welcomgin, fun and helpful as possible :-)

this year, to celebrate the growth of pitp and the new pitps that have sprung up in recent years all over the country we've decided to go one bigger and better with our birthday celebration; the thought is, why not get ALL the national poi in the park meets together for one HUGE FUN DAY OUT up in sheffield?!


there'll be everything you normally expect from a pitp, good people, loads of food, plenty of colourful spinning equipment and their owners, along with such amusing games and 'wushu frisbee' and 'tree bounce challenge' and many more. this year though we're also going to be incorporating much much more, with some capoeira and breakdance teaching, along with contortionism and acrobatics on display for all to marvel at and learn and many more fun activities

we've also decided that this year we are gonna go one further and put on a bit of a show as well, so we're looking for people who are confident and happy with their fire spinning to maybe do a little routine for us. doesnt have to be amazing, and certainly there's no need for it to just be about the professional performers amongst us, more the everyday spinners just showing us the moves they love :-) to get the ball rolling i've promised i'll do a bit of a show as organiser so believe me after that no-one will look foolish and there will be no need for shyness..

i invite anyone who is reading this to please come up to sheffield for the day and spend some time spinning and chatting with us crazy sheffieldians on october 21st. the event will be going on all throught the day and evenign and into the night, with accomodation provided by myself, a few other generous house-loads of people and also we will be renting out the hall we use for the flying teapots overnight which should be able to comfortably sleep a good 80+ people so rest assured if you come up for the day a bed will be there for you and probably a nice cuppa tea in the morning too :-)

so i can gauge numbers and book the hall and possibly more accomodation if needed please could ANYONE INTERESTED get in CONTACT with ME either via MYSPACE, THE FLYING TEAPOTS ONLINE FORUM, HOMEOFPOI.COM, by PHONE if you know my number, or by EMAIL

those of you who are ORGANISERS of similar poi meets across the country, please also can you contact me on behalf of your group/community so we can discuss proceedings as there are a few more suprises planned that i want only a few people to be in on until the day....

on behalf of all those before me and those i represent now, i hope to see you all in the park in october :-)

peace n pineapples

si scotting AKA kashira (flying teapots) AKA si_sheff (homefopoi)

lollipurple penguin- soon to be
478 posts
Location: playing with the pixies at the arsse end of the mi...

That video was awsome!
Nice one Meg and thanx

Till next time Pinkies . . .

My spelling wobbles. its very good spelling but it wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong place

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
5,276 posts
Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom

 Written by: Neon_Shaolin

I should hide more (in front of people)

I do have it on tape, but didn't put it in.

hiding in front of people isn't very effective. Hiding behind them is better.

thanks lolli!

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

Neon_ShaolinGOLD Member
hehe, 'Member' huhuh
6,120 posts
Location: Behind you. With Jam

Depends on if you're filming them from behind. (I would've said behind but I was trying to carry on a theme - or hide in plain sight etc...)

You SOOOO should've put the Sandy/Cantus incident in! Both when it hit him in the back, then the head moments later! ubblol
I'll put up the pic of Cantus's face (after shot) in the gallery so you can see the resulting bump in all its glory biggrin

"I used to want to change the world, now I just wanna leave the room with a little dignity..." - Lotus Weinstock

Bubbles_SILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,384 posts
Location: mancunian, United Kingdom

hahaha is it just me or does dunc look really camp?

nice vid meg *nods*

oh and why did you have to film my ass? i know it was wet but i couldnt be assed standing for the show rolleyes

oh and how come your not in it doing that weird stuff that you do?

Disclaimer:im not responsible for what i say or do whether it be before,during and after drinking alcoholic substances (owned by BMVC).
Creater of Jenisms(TM)
Virginity like bubble,one prick all gone.

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

lol ... there was Monkey Boy tempest in that video.... awsome! thanks Meg, thought that he was lost and gone forever.

si_sheffSILVER Member
128 posts
Location: United Kingdom

ah no he's still alive and slinky with his new doubles and also has some footage of pip, so hopefully we can persuade him to stop being a bummer and put it up on the net soon :-)

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