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Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
495 posts
Location: Tampa, FL, USA

I'm reposting this so it has it's own thread (and so everyone reads this)...Yes, I not only know how to do this, but I have a running radio station right now that I help run. It runs 24/7. However the selection of music on it isn't the greatest IMHO. smile anyway..on with my post.."Seems as though most of everyone here has internet access...Would everyone(looking for collective response here..) be interested in a poi-radio segment...basically live-streaming audio(our own internet radio station)...it would work similar to public radio. Everyone submits songs(mp3) or names of songs(I can use Napster...wow), and I can place them all in a playlist to be played for all of us to enjoy all day long. =) It could be a compilation of everyones favorite musics. Any thoughts??"------------------ [PLUR]-=Crazy Raver Dude=-


KatBRONZE Member
2,211 posts
Location: London, Wales (UK)

That sounds really cool! I'm sure most people who poi love music. I for one would love to hear all the songs other poi heads swing too. Great Idea and good luck ------------------"London is a city coming down from its trip and there's going to be a lot of refugees" - Danny,Withnail & I

Come faeries, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame.

- W B Yeats

57 posts
Location: Sydney

Have been on the recieving end of of Nullsoft's "Shoutcast" with Winamp before, and it was great fun. Works great, and is relativly easy to use.Unfortunatly, there are two hitches that spring to mind:Napster isn't terribly good anymore, due to the legal debacle. However, people can still send songs in, and there are other software system (Gnutella?).Secondly, for dial-up modem users, the audio quality needs to be pretty low for it to stream decently. Don't know how trance sounds at 22Kbps, but... imagination isn't being kind to it. Or if a large majority has broadband connection, some sacrifices could be made? Isn't very nice though. =/

Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
495 posts
Location: Tampa, FL, USA

I have tested my broadcast from a 56K connection and it sounded just a little more "hoppy" than my broadband. I, as well, am using Shoutcast, with Winamp. smile (Easiest solution.) As for Napster..there may be LESS files on there..but I haven't had any trouble using it recently. (Used it two days ago..) I could also create a website that allowed people to upload songs directly to my server, this way there is no emailing or anything. All done over the web. :P------------------ [PLUR]-=Crazy Raver Dude=-


57 posts
Location: Sydney

Sounds good!

160 posts

Does Malcolm rap?I bet Malcolm raps.We should have Malcolm rap.

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

i was under the impression that you had to have the "ok" from the author of the music b4 you did anything like that.i'd like it... if you played exclusively DEATH METAL. wink

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

oh, and i would want to know who i was listening to at the time, theres nothing i hate more than hearing a song i really dig and having no idea who it is by so i can listen to it again later.

Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
495 posts
Location: Tampa, FL, USA

redbrother..Well, actually...*grin*..the way the laws are "currently" stated. I'm actually only letting you listen to music that I have. As long as *I* own a copy of the CD(or someone) then essentially, I am letting you listen to what I am listening to locally on my machine. (Just as if you were at my house listening to it..) Your not making a request for music...it's a live feed of what is currently being listened to. It's basically a way around being able to broadcast music. smile But technically you are correct...to play a song over the FM radio, you either need the author's consent, or you need to pay them royalties.------------------ [PLUR]-=Crazy Raver Dude=-


336 posts
Location: NY, USA

humm, well this sounds like it has some definate potential------------------Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...

Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...

Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
495 posts
Location: Tampa, FL, USA

So I count six ppl interested, any other takers? smile


Dr.NoodleHeadBRONZE Member
170 posts
Location: The Giant Mushroom, United Kingdom

Yeah, go for it. I won't be able to tune in too often - they've moved the head of division into my shoe-box and although he's very nice, I'm not sure he'd be into listening to some funkin' grooves grin - but then you never know - he is Danish (hehe).Oh yeah, and definitely agree with redbrother - some means of seeing what's playing is a massive must.Huge storm kicking off here now - the one we had last night was ABSOLUTELY HUGE and the lightning was so bright that you couldn't look at it. Might try and get out quick and go boogy in the rain....Noods

Fish are just like trees except they move and they're invisible

RicheeBRONZE Member
HOP librarian
1,841 posts
Location: Prague, Czech. Republic

Still I'm interseted in (now di.fm goa trance).

Anyone else wanna radio?




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