Forums > Social Discussion > Following Your Own Path - Discussion on Self-Based Religion

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LilBBoySILVER Member
Discoverer of Rainbow Cheese
143 posts
Location: Inverness, Scotland.

Hey all! First, thanks for reading this post and I hope the subject interests you. This thread is about what has become known to people as "unofficial religion", or as the school computers tell me when I try to do research on it; "Unofficial/Indigenous/Occult Beliefs".

After being a Buddhist for 2 years, I have found deep satisfaction in my life. Everything has changed for the better. However, I feel that there is more to the story than Buddhism tells. I believe, unshakably, that there is a God, which Buddhism attempts to, in a sense, dispel.

I find it extremely interesting that some of the people I know and love follow their own paths; their own beliefs, which no-one can distort with their own. I find these people admirable and, to say the least, courageous.

What do all of you beautiful people think about this topic? biggrin wink

Peace & Love hug ubblove

Time does not exist. In theory, everything with a beginning has an end. Therefore, only things with an end can have a beginning. As time has no end, it has no beginning, therefore does not exist. GO PHILOSOPHY!!!
Brittle Week was the shizz!!!

346 posts
Location: Midlands

My own personal philospophy/religion/code etc is kinda taken from so many sources that even I'm not sure where it all comes from now. Guess it's why people sometimes say I can be "intense".

I try to follow, as much as I can, Bushido. Also elements of Chivalry. But that's just in who I am and what I do.

For what I believe in spiritually it's kind of a bit of everything. Every major, and several minor, religious denominations can be seen.

I'm just a Chameleon I guess. Some people say I'm a mess or that I don't know, but at the same time I point out that neither do they, conclusively, and that they're only doing their own thing too - even if it happens to be the same as others.

Oddness. Long day. Wish the above made more sense to me, let alone anyone else !

Xbox360 Live ID - Sacred Apollyon

"Enemies you threaten make armies. Enemies you destroy make graves."

"Here is a test to see if your mission on earth is finished: If your alive it isn't."

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