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oscurochuSILVER Member stranger 12 posts Location: USA
Posted: I recently sold a pair of poi to a friend who was moving out of state. I made the handles using 1/2in kevlar tape. I just spoke to him today and he told me the handles broke. I sewed the handles using kevlar thread. I forget how much thread I used, maybe a foot per handle?
I'm not sure if my sewing skills are just lacking, or maybe I just didn't use enough thread. Maybe I just sewed it completely wrong... I have no idea...
Any tips / howto's on how to make durable kevlar handles?
MynciBRONZE Member Macaque of all trades 8,738 posts Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom
Posted: Not really, i would generally stand clear of kevlar handles just in case any fuel got splashed or spilled on them they could turn into another wick. I generally use the durable nylon handles.
A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.
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