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Posted: I thought I'd run this by you guys before I tried it out. I;d been looking for interesting ways to light the poi, and I came up with this idea.- Take a sip of your fuel as you would for fire breathing.- Start your poi and move into a one handed butterfly, unlit.- With the other hand, get out a lighter, preferably a gas gun used for lighting stoves as it has a longer barrel. Alternately, get someone to pass you a candle.- As the poi begin reach half way on their upspin, breath the fire as you would normally do with a staff so that the poi catch alight when they pass by each other.Now questions:Would it work? Naturally the fireball is pretty hot, but is it hot enough to light the poi? Would it be more dangerous than a normal fireball, as the wick is moving? Are there any other opportunities with poi to breath fire with poi? Naturally their design isn't as good for it as staffs, but are their any other moves that lend themselves to fireblowing? Are their any other cool ways to light your poi, that don't involve any extra steps. If you were to quickly dunk your kero/citronella soaked poi into metho before lighting, would they ignite easier?Thanks for the consideration.
Posted: It all sounds possible, but the idea of fire breathing with a lighter/candle scares me. If your aim is even a LITTLE off, you engulf the hand that's holding the lighter in a fireball. The workaround would be to use a decent torch, but even then you can still get the hand that's holding the poi. Not pretty.I think a safer and still flash version would be to do an ordinary butterfly, but with only one poi lit. As they near the top, fire breath onto it to get the other one going.And yeah, a quick dunk in Meths help lighting, as does Shellite.
Posted: That's all too true. I do like your idea of a compromise, with one poi already lit. Safety is always an issue. I wonder if you had a small bamboo torch that used citronella or a spare staff whether it would be feasible to use that. The problem I can see with that is that it could be unweildly and look unprofessional when you try to get rid of it. Other than that, these might be good options.
Posted: You sound like a dude out here in ohio. He does random fire breathing with his lighter and hasn't burnt himself yet. He also has a design for a kiss of death. However I'm pretty sure he's burnt himself with it. It's pretty much a metal bongslide holder. That loop of metal you grab onto to pull the slide out. Instead of a slide he put some wicking in it and puts the two empty loops around his fingers. Personally I wouldn't have anything to do with it. It's up to you. Can I ask though how many times you've been blown?Also a neat trick that takes lots of practice is a loop around blow. The guy I saw doing it was useing a torch but a lit poi would work just as well. He started the blow high to his right then dipped down to his left turned around and came back up. It's more of a spin down and up while he's blowing.Yeah I agree if you wanna light your poi off a fire breath your gonna need something alittle easyer to light then them fuels. ------------------We are all in the cosmic movie. That means the day you die you watch your whole life repeating for eternity. So you'd better have some good things happen in there and have a fitting climax. --Jim MorrisonMost Memerable crowd saying "Hey look that dude's gonna set himself on fire again!"
We are all in the cosmic movie. That means the day you die you watch your whole life repeating for eternity. So you'd better have some good things happen in there and have a fitting climax. --Jim MorrisonIt's going to come from a direction you didn't predict at a moment of chaos which you didn't see coming. -- NYC
Posted: I used to firebreath with just a lighter quite a bit. I now realise that I was a bloody moron!!! Thankfully (well, thanks to you guys), I had the common sense to realise how stupid it was BEFORE I got burnt. I suppose it helped that I didn't use anything hotter than Citronella Oil. Still, I've learnt the error of my ways. : )The loop around blow sounds really impressive. However, at the moment, I'm not confident with long fire blows, only short bursts of flame (which could be why I haven't burnt myself yet). The other thing I wouldn't be comfortable with is blowing downwards, only upwards and out. However, I think a safer (?) variant would be to start on your right, and blow up and across to your left in an arc. Might still look cool?As for lighting during the butterfly, I think the safest place to light it from would be when it reaches the top of it's swing and the poi cross over. That way you could blow up and have the flame furthest form your hand.
Very funny Scotty, now beam down my clothes!
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