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Timmymember 45 posts Location: Bishop's Stortford, UK
Posted: Does any-one else have a pet dog who, every time you poi, thinks that you're being attacked by the dreaded 'swirly things', and rushes to your aid, in fear for your life? Has any-one else nearly brained their dog like this? has any-one else nearly brained themselves like this? Does any-one want a poi-phobic dog? (No, I've changed my mind, I'll keep her and just shut her indoors next time!)Happy (canine defended) swinging,Tim /|\
Jessemember 118 posts Location: Pittsburgh, PA/ USA
Posted: He he he... Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, only my dog tries to defend me from lighters too (If she's close enough, she's learned to snap her teeth over the flame - narrowly missing damaging my cigarette - and putting out my light...) Do you have any idea how nuts she went when she saw me playing with fire poi in my front yard. My SO thought she was going to come right through the glass windows... And never mind what she does whenever Rob tries to practice staff. She thinks she's supposed to jump up and hang from the big stick, and then try to shake it loose from your hands. I've honestly tried to keep her from finding out that she's a pitt bull and not a person, but I'm having trouble explaining to her that what we find to be entertaining about sticks is NOT the same as what she thinks we should all do with them... (eat them)
PeleBRONZE Member the henna lady 6,193 posts Location: WNY, USA
Posted: Sounds like when I am attacked by my five year old!!! He does the same thing!!! I never practise with fire when he's in *those* moods though.My brother has a Husky who thinks they are play things. She jumps for them and will tackle me from behind for them...she has taken off with a couple of my practice poi in the past.I also worked one small Ren Faire that allowed leashed pets...some guys retriever thought that when my friend tossed his staff it was his cue to fetch. That was really funny. Talk about improv!!!!!! Prom on his ass, dog on his chest and the staff flying free!!!!Goes back to our chat of doggie insurance eh Jesse? ------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...
Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir "Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall "And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK
WildChildmember 43 posts Location: Pretoria, South Africa
Posted: Hey man, u guys made me feel sooooo much better now !!! I thought I was the only one with a poitrified dog! Just this morning I was replying to you people's reaction on my question about da drugs & I spoke about the fucked up xcuses 1 uses when not in the mood 4 poi-practising: Well.....this is my BEST 1! "Awww, but the dog's gonna sit on me again!" 'Cause he literally does. Here I'm happily swinging away and the next moment I just hear this dull THUD as Bruno's decided to come and stop that "flying fucker" with his head. And then he just sits there...staring vacantly into space, but he won't budge to let me try again. Timmy, I don't think I've only just "brained" my dawgie - methinks I've totally "DEbrained" him. Luckily the baby spaniel is still too young to concentrate on any one thing for longer than 5 seconds. So, with him it's more a case of:*dog spots ball on string*dog comes for ball on string*dog goes for new shrub in gardenThe cat.....doesn't want to talk about it. I don't think he knows how he feels about it yet. We're all giving him a little time to himself.------------------*WC*
Posted: unfourtunatly my dog seems only to be jelous(sp) of my fire toys when i made my first staff of wood didnt take lou long to turn it into soggy sawdust after she saw me using it out side rather than having her outso i switched to alluminum toysnow my only difficulty is the occasional soggy wickand i thought my dog had taste(she sure turns her nose up at any thing other than her homemade kibble and treats)jessejames
Posted: Well I don't have a problem with my dog (mainly cos I don't have one) but my cat is really funny when I'm using comet poi she will run up and grab the tail and try to run away with it.
Posted: No, sorry to say that i don't have a dog, but my cat goes absolutelly baserk when I do mine!!
ffirebellGOLD Member member 44 posts Location: Aotearoa, New Zealand
Posted: Ha ha! Ya, I was doing some day time practise in a public park when someones border collie decided I was going to play with it.. silly mutt! I had to stop because I thought it was gonna jump right up and try to grab one of them in mid swing!! Spin on!
Fairie's wear boots.
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