AnonymousPLATINUM Member

I just moved into a dorm, and I have no idea where to keep my kero. I don't think they want me to keep it in the dorm room (and besides, it would moke it smell really bad) and I'm not sure where to put it. Does anyone know if it would be a bad idea to keep it in the trunk of my car? I'm woried it would overheat and combust, but I thought that kero wasn't spontaneously combustable, so i'm not sure. My car is parked in a lot near the dorms, and is sitting in the sun all day, so it would definitely heat up quite a bit. If anyone has any suggestions on where I could store my fuel, or any insight as to whether or not keeping it my car is a very bad idea, I would love it if you would tell me. My main objective is to keep everyone here safe, and make sure that neither the dorm or my car spontaneously combust! Thanks so much.

1,015 posts
Location: Austin TX USA

I've driven around with a 5-gallon drum of kero in the trunk of my car, and it's probably hotter here than wherever you are. My car is none the worse for it.I think you're safe, especially if you keep the kerosene in a plastic jug (which is probably what it came in). Kerosene won't spontaneously combust--but neither will other fuels. There needs to be a spark, very high heat, pressure, or some combination. Otherwise the gas in your car's gas tank--which is much more volatile--would explode.

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy

5 posts
Location: Vermont, USA

I worked something out with the safety folks in my college who were a bit hesitant about the whole fire thing. They have this thing called the service building, where the power plant for the college is. They have a fire-proof storage cabinet in there, and they don't mind my keeping a jug of kero in there. I don't have a car, so thats not an option for me.Linkohyrule

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

It's probably best to keep anything in your car boot in a petrol can (mark it so that people don't put into their own cars) or a thick walled hazerdous-goods container.Adam is right when he says he's had no problems YET, but remember that kero is very easy to light when it is warm/hot, as it will get in the boot of a car. A thick-walled plastic container or petrol can will stand up to most car accidents (ie sparks flying in all directions from heated up metal) whereas the standard kero bottle can easily get punctured or torn during an accident.Always think of worst-case scenarios when storing fuel in a vehicle. your life is worth more than the price of a decent container.Adam has a strong-sounding drum he carts around, which is just as good, just be sure the sides are thick enough to withstand some sharp objects hitting it hard.Lets all play safe (as usual). smile------------------Charles

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RolloTCBRONZE Member
11 posts
Location: Redmond, WA, USA

I've been Kinda wondering the same thing about the fuel. I dont have a car, but one friend who lives in the appartments has offered to store it there. I'm not sure if you know anybody in any appartments around where you go to college, but it's a thought.Another Idea... See if the fire department would be willing to store it for you. Any fire juggling you do, you may want to check out with the fire department anyways (especially in the way of gigs). I'm going to have to look into the service building and fireproof cabinet thing LinkoHyrule mentioned.

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Thanks, everyone, for the good advice!

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