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DurbsBRONZE Member Classically British 5,689 posts Location: Epsom, Surrey, England
Posted: Hey all,
I bought a new domain name burnttoast.co.uk as it makes more sense than Hugbubble.co.uk (What with my lot being called Burnt Toast and all... )
Thing is, I submitted Hugbubble.co.uk to looooooads of different search engines, websites, random bits and bobs, but once Hugbubble expires, I don't think I'll re-new it.
So, is there a way I can quickly update all the search engines etc? Or is it just a case of encouraging people to use Burnttoast.co.uk instead, thus getting more clicks than Hugbubble and it'll promote itself?
Burner of Toast Spinner of poi Slacker of enormous magnitude
flidBRONZE Member Carpal \'Tunnel 3,136 posts Location: Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Posted: not easily
its easier to get the cheapest registration you can and set up forwarding. For my .uk domains I use these nice people who charge about the price of a pint in guildford per year.
Oh, and you'll probably want to transfer the domain to a new registrar if you go down that root before it expires, not let it expire and re-register if it's in lots of search engines. I've had domains in the past registered within minutes of them expiring by companies who host porn ads on the domain and try and charge me upwards of 500 quid to get em back
DurbsBRONZE Member Classically British 5,689 posts Location: Epsom, Surrey, England
Posted: Ah - so currently, I've got burnttoast.co.uk redirecting to hugbubble , whereas it'd make more sense to have hugbubble redirect to burnttoast?
Burner of Toast Spinner of poi Slacker of enormous magnitude
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