Forums > Social Chat > need help w/fire breathing

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3 posts
Location: Saline, MI, USA

Im a fire/glo stick spinner and have tried eating fire. I would absolutly love to breath fire. help with fuels, torches, state of mind would be great! The sooner I can freak out my mom the better!! thanks a bunch Alan

Burn em' to ashes and then burn the ashes.-Ray Bradbury Farenhite 451

3 posts
Location: Saline, MI, USA

oh yeah, check out the poi site im building w/juggles! keep on spinning!! Alan

Burn em' to ashes and then burn the ashes.-Ray Bradbury Farenhite 451

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Alan,I'd advise you to seriously consider fire breathing before you take it up. The health risks are significant. Fire breathing involved toxins in mouth that are absorbed into the blood stream. There's also something called chemical pneumonia caused by asperating fuel into your lungs that makes for about a month's stay in the hospital. It's very easy to cause yourself great harm if get bad training, if you make an error, or if the wind shifts. The night I learned to fire breath, I did six blasts. I got terrible kidney pains the next day. I missed my period that month too and I go like clockwork. I don't breath fire for those reasons. I don't know if you're being tongue-in-check about freaking out your mom, but if that's your only reason, please try something else that's less risky. Diana

5 posts
Location: Vermont, USA

Check out https://www.fyretr.comLink

10 posts
Location: Jaffa, Israel

Words of Wisdom Diana------------------Love Is The Law, Love Under Will [This message has been edited by Asaf (edited 21 March 2001).]

Love Is The Law, Love Under Will (A.C.666)

521 posts
Location: Bristol / London / Norwich / Chennai, India (UK) (...

BE CAREFULL. Remember that getting burned is not about will you or won't you its about how soon and how bad. Burns inside your mouth are not nice and burns on your lips and face are even worse in my opinion. Get someone to teach you cause we can't really say do this and do that. You need to learn from someone who knows what to do. Just remember that it can kill you and take it from there. RESEARCH I think is the key word. Know what you are doing well before you actualt try it with fuel. I use parrafin, shellsol T is good if you get hold of it(it dosn't taste of anything).good luckpeace outgarbo tongue[This message has been edited by garbo (edited 21 March 2001).]

be excellent to each other: safe:

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Alan,I think you should change the name of your website.'house of Poi' ?are you serious?thats a little disrespectful I think - considering you are supposedly going to offer very similar services to this website.BTW - PLEASE PLEASE set your table borders to 0 - it just screams amateur webhack (louder than anything else on the site).why are you reproducing services that already exist and are proven?Jsh

148 posts
Location: Kansas City, MO USA

That website's a joke, right? I mean, not to be offensive, but is the gallery, really all that important, that you want to show the whole world the squiggly marks you managed to make on film. Is it that important that you tell people how to wrap duct tape around shoelaces? Is it that important, or do you just enjoy wasting bandwidth? Keep spinning, and work on your web monkeying id like to see what you come up with.-PSM

One can only see what one observes, and one observes only things which are already in the mind.-Alphonse Bertillon

127 posts
Location: Yorktown, VA, USA

I agree with Josh in saying that having *visible* tables are quite uggg to look at [unless you're actually using it for data, and even then...] House of Poi does sound a bit lame, unless you can make it something to be proud of, and then the name commands respect wink. Even thought the naming could use some work, i liked the idea of using your streaks to make the letters... quite original i might add smile Counter Point to Josh and PyschoMonkey, not everyone knows about this site [home of poi], and therefore it's good for his friends, and whoever else who knows him [something to look at], and granted, you won't find to many glowstix pix on this site frown [another reason for me to start my own gallery smile]. Another thing, weren't you being a little harsh psychomonkey? Unless you can do better... even then it's tough trying to make a website. ------------------"Happiness is not a destination, but a method for life"- Burton Hills

The reason communism doesn't work is because people like to own stuff

383 posts
Location: Brisbane, Qld, Australia

eeeek shellsolt? if you have no idea what you're doing and you wanna use shellsolt to firebreathe you have rocks in your head. it burns very hot, it catches fire very easy and in short, with no one to show you and no experience i say you are in the definite HIGH RISK category.i.e. .. you will probably burn your eyebrows and eyelashes off, not to mention the high possibility of inhaling the fuel due to inexperience, thus scorching your lungs, worse case scenario being unable to breathe at all. also, when you breathe fire it can quite easily move back on you (jump onto your face and have a feast). EXPERIENCED friends of mine have botched up badly. One guy had his whole face badly burnt into scar tissue. (nice look eh). Burning your lungs out means months in hospital. Although if your only in it to scare your mum...

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.- B.B.King

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Mephisto's site, as referrenced by Linko, is good place to begin but he leaves alot out, I feel, simply because he has been doing this for 35 years and much is automatic! If you are not dedicated to the art I can assure you, you will never make it through the site..which is a series of lessons you need to go through to find what you want. A brilliant way of presenting this art I believe. Anyway. Diana is very correct and wise in her warnings and this is not something to enter into lightly at all.Right now I am only going to advise you to practice aspirating with water (that is, practice getting the water to blow out and up in a fine mist). I will refrain from commenting on fuels or styles simply because of the comment about shocking your mother. It seems baby steps are best here and water is the very first of many.Think long and hard about it first though. There are many health risks and safety concerns that should really cause you to re-evaluate why you want to do this in particular and to think about why it is important to you to try something so potentially deadly.And btw, I do fire breathing myself, and forced myself to do all the research, as garbo suggested (I have a book three inches thick of research), and to evaluate my own reasonings. Once I thought it out and accepted the tremendous dedication and responsibility undertaking fire breathing involves, I haven't regretted one moment (though my stomach has bitched about the fuel I sometimes occassionally swallow...yuck!)best to you.------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir..."I prefer not to go where there is a path but to blaze a new one!"

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

118 posts
Location: Pittsburgh, PA/ USA

Alright Alan... You've gotten a rather scorching welcome to the board... On the off chance that you aren't actually that foolish, and were just trying to be cheeky (When asked why I decided to become a stripper, I quite often respond, "To annoy my mother."), I will say hello, and welcome. As you can see we do take the dangers of our art rather seriously, so you might, in the future, consider your words (and ours) rather carefully. Our tendency to understand the words of others incorrectly tends to fade as we get to know a person. There is much good advice to be found on this board, so don't give up on us yet. Just know that you've poked a rather tender spot with us here: We never joke about safety...Jesse

.draevonBRONZE Member
92 posts
Location: Androgen, Australia

Just thought I'd jump in here and suggest that perhaps splat is confusing Shellsol T with something else.Firstly ... Shellsol T (aka Pegasol) has a significantly higher flash point (55°C) than Kerosene(43°C) and Lamp Oil (47°C). Flash point is the temperature at which a substance will readily ignite in the presence of a spark/naked flame. Higher flash point means that Shellsol T is less likely to burst into flames on your face and clothing than a majority of other fuels. However less likely means just that ... you can still catch things on fire very easily if you are careless enough.Secondly ... burning temperatures of different fuels is really quite negligable and relatively unimportant. Any ball of flame you produce in close proximity to your face and body has the potential to do you serious damage.I think splat is referring to Shellite (White Gas, Colemans, Lighter Fluid) which has a very low flash point (-40°C) which makes it incredibly unsafe for fire breathing, and to an extent, performing in general. Anyone who uses Shellite for fire breathing will find themselves in a hospital in a very short time.Note: The flash points i've mentioned in this post were collected from various sources. If you looked up 3 MSDSs for the one fuel, you'd probably find 4 different flash points listed. As such they should be used only as a rough guide.ÐraevonIncendium Fire

521 posts
Location: Bristol / London / Norwich / Chennai, India (UK) (...

I agree with Ðraevon as he was the one who advised it to me in the first place. Its not that bad at all infact even though I have only used it like twice its the best and the safest stuff I have ever used although it does dry out your lips alot.Splat, I think you are talking about something else cause shellsol t is great stuffpeace outgarbo tongue

be excellent to each other: safe:

williams.kraigBRONZE Member
3 posts
Location: United Kingdom

@dreavon - can confirm you are indeed correct. Used Shellite for breathing yesterday, now currently in hospital with superficial burns. Seriously don't use that stuff.

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