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60 posts
Location: London

Well folks, as those of you in northern climates can tell, the season of blustery winds, shivers, and skelital trees is fast aproaching. But that's no excuse for staying indoors, my friends! Find the warmest socks, the snuggest scarfs, and the silliest hats you can find, for winter is a time when spirits can soar and fire may glide.

We are some of the luckiest people during winter time. Why? Because have fire! Fire to play with, entertain others and, naturaly and vitaly, to keep our judder-bones warm. The night is our playground and at this time of year we're getting more of it!

Without much further ado, I'd like to divulge the aim of this thread: to encourage High Spirits, Festivities and Frolics during the comming Months of Nippiness in any way you wish.

Here's a great picture from the te POOKa website, and poem to follow. Please enjoy!

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Winter Time

During this cold time of year,
Flowers and leaves, begin to disappear.
The fire burns, in the old fireplace,
And cold winds blow, and cut at our face.

We sit around, with a warm cup of coco,
Hoping that this year, won't drive us loco.
Skating down,to the neighborhood pond,
With our friends, we develop a bond.

Ice feathers are seen, in our windows of frost,
Like beautiful paintings, their all embossed.
Mother Nature has a beautiful style,
Everything she does can bring us a smile.

While old man winter, can be very hostile,
Some of his work, can also be worthwhile.
For winter sports, it is so much fun,
And the snow shines bright, under the sun.

But also during this time of year,
People seem to have more cheer.
With gifts to give, and friends to greet,
Love for mankind, seems to be more complete.

- by Bernard Howie

Art is a re-creation of the world according to the artist's metaphysical value-judgements -Ayn Rand

Time is the fire in which we burn -Gene Roddenberry

SpArKiE*shiny shiny*
218 posts
Location: Townsville, QLD, Aust.

i dunno how u ppl up in the northern areas with snow can twirl out in it! i would freeze! but spose firl would kinda help... but shit ppl. jus lookin at me goes "WOW" good on yas for bein able to do that! i think half the ppl in the warmer climates wouldnt be able to do it.

And wherever you've gone and wherever we might go. It don't seem fair. Today just disappeared.

fluffy napalm fairyCarpal \'Tunnel
3,638 posts
Location: Brum / Dorset / Fairy Land

I believe the first (or one of the first) PIP's (the original Poi in the Park Sheffield) was held in the snow. Am I wrong?

Northerners....where are you?

Geologists do it in the dirt................ spank

2,419 posts
Location: la-la land

Hey te Pooka - Roz, Strugz and I did some firey stuff with you at Glastas

I honour you as an aspect of myself..

You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..

1,463 posts
Location: Florida

You guys get snow in Sheffield!?!?!

Like proper snow?!?!

Not like London snow I hope....

I want to see snow this year...

Much love Drome


TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England

We used to get proper snow, but we hardly get any anymore

I'm trying to work out a way of taking some fire poi to France in march for my snowboarding holiday - I want to spin fire in the snow and at the top of a mountain at least once.
I can't be bothered with all the hassle of taking wicks though, so I'm thinking that I might make up a few towel wicks that I can take on the plane uncontaminated with fuel, then just throw them away before I come back.

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

SpiralOolering Man
729 posts
Location: Farnborough, Hampshire

The First ever PIP was in the snow! What a Blindingly fantastic day that was

340 posts
Location: Australia

Being a Australian boy I hate the cold!! I've never experienced anything below 0 degrees so once it gets below 10 we're all like damn its freezing! I heard in some parts of Russia you can tip boiling water into the cold air and it will freeze before it hits the ground. Is this true???? cause I cant imagine anything that cold!

step 1. Throw your self at the ground.
step 2. Miss.

PrometheusDiamond In The Rough
459 posts
Location: Richmond, Virginia

Twirling in the snow is not much different, except that when you finish, you're stadning in a steam-filled crater

In order to flash freeze water from 100 degrees to 0 degreees, it would have to be intensely cold, although heated water does freeze faster than unheated...hmmm....

Dance like it hurts; Love like you need money; Work like someone is watching.

Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes.

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